What are good exercises for your traps

What are good exercises for your traps

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are good exercises for your traps”,you can compare them.

Traps Exercises: Barbell Shrugs, Barbells Shrugs Behind The Back, Cable Shrugs, Dumbbell Shrugs, Low Cable Rows To Neck MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-good-exercises-for-your-traps ]
More Answers to “What are good exercises for your traps
What are some good exercises to build the shoulder traps??
The dumbbels may not be heavy enough. Dead lifts work the traps well. Overhead press also hit the traps. (Bench presses does not hit the trap is any meaningful way.)
What dumbell exercises effect your traps?
shrugs, upright rows and even lateral raises and front dumbell raises if you raise it high enough, higher than parallel than you are for sure getting a trap workout to go with a shoulder workout. also, not really dumbell exercises but behin…
Are wide-grip upright rows just a shoulder exercise, or both a sh…?
ya man really depends on your form if you pull your elbows up as high as possible, you will hit your delts more because once your upper arms aare at 90 degrrees, your traps are pretty much full contrated, so the rest is delt movement. howev…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some good exercises that work out your traps?
Q: What are some at good at home exercises that can work out your traps without dumbbells?
A: Dumbell shoulder shrugs work wonders
What’s are some more good exercises for my Traps and Deltoids?
Q: Right now all I do for traps is shoulder shrugs, and for deltoids I do shoulder press.
A: Traps are one of the fastest growing muscles, lol your not satisfied? I think shoulder shrugs is all it takes.Google search:”Trap exercises”and”Deltoids exercises”
What are some good exercises to build the shoulder traps?
Q: I take two heavy dumbbells and hold them by the side of the body and do shrungs.What are some other good exercises?
A: Pull ups, wide grip or seated pull downs if you can get to the gym. Smith machine shrugs. Remember when you do the shrugs don’t grip the weight any tighter then you need to, to hold onto it…the thought is to try to put your shoulder in your ear…straight arm just let the weight hang…Also try reverse cable flys…

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