Should you workout everyday or every other day

Should you workout everyday or every other day

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Should you workout everyday or every other day”,you can compare them.

You can strain your muscles if you work them every day. However, it is OK to work your abdominal muscles every day. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Should you workout everyday or every other day
Should i workout everyday or every other day?
5 days a week is the reccomended amount and you need to break so your body can recover and build the muscle
Is it better to workout everyday or every other day?
If you are doing a full body muscle building workout, then you need to keep your workouts to 3 days a week. The common misconception is that you build the muscle while you are doing the lifting, that’s wrong, you are damaging your muscles o…
Should i workout my abs everyday or every other day??
The abbs are considered to be a secondary muscle so at most you could work them out every other day. Also it is important with abbs that you hit every area and switch up your workouts regualry as they platue easily.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Should i do a 10 min. ab workout everyday or a 20 minute workout every other day to get a six pack? and cardio?
Q: Should i do a 10 min. ab workout everyday or a 20 minute workout every other day to get a six pack? and im gunna do HIIT (high intensity interval training) every day i can for 15-20 mins. it burn like 200-250 calories!
A: 10 min legit ab workout everydaysome people think that the more crunches or situps you do will make you get 6 pack faster. but thats wrongif you do just 10 mins of a hardcore ab workout, itll be enoughand for cardio, swimming is the best work out you can have
should i do a 10 min. ab workout everyday or a 20 minute workout every other day to get a six pack?
Q: should i do a 10 min. ab workout everyday or a 20 minute workout every other day to get a six pack?
A: You should do a 10 minute work out everyday.As “OIL” said, cardio reduces fat all over, it doesn’t define muscles. You should do cardio as well, because people tend to have strong ab mucles, but have a layer of fat covering them.
should i workout everyday or every other day? And how long?
Q: Im 15 5’8 145 pounds and right now i workout everyday is that good? When should i workout and ho long?
A: No you shouldn’t work out everyday. Your muscles need time to repair themselves after tearing. How long and how often all depends on what muscle you’re working on.

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