Should you eat before you excercise

Should you eat before you excercise

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Should you eat before you excercise”,you can compare them.

Eating too much before exercising can cause you to feel sluggish or have an upset stomach, cramping and diarrhea. That’s because your muscles and your digestive system are competing with each other for energy resources. Is there anything else ChaCha can do? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Should you eat before you excercise
Should you eat before or after excercise?
You should have a small carb snack like a small banana before you exercise for energy and a protein snack like plain yogurt after exercise to nourish muscle
What to eat in the morning before early excercise??
Over the last 30 years, research into food and blood glucose response has completely changed our carbohydrate classification system. It has been learned that it is impossible to predict the impact on blood glucose levels by certain foods, i…
Do I eat before or after I excercise?
well you should always eat like an hour before you work out just so yo dont collapse. but its better to eat after you work out becayse you body is going and your metabolism is going faster than normal.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What should I eat before and after excercise?
Q: Hey just wondering what I should try eating before and after exercise? Im running during the week and doing situps/pushups and I have kickboxing during the week also. What foods should I be eating before and what should i eat after to replenish my body and allow the muscles to regenerate? AND what drinks? just water or some juice or..Bearing in mind I want to loose weight but I want to increase my arm muscles not just tone them.Thanks 🙂
A: Opt for carbs before for that slow release energy and protein afterwards.. Protein helps repair muscles, etc! 🙂
How many hours should you wait to eat before and after excercise?
A: How many hours or minutes you should eat before exercising depends on each individual. I wait 30 to 50 minutes after eating before I exercise, but your body may not be able to wait 60 minutes. Listen to your body. If you feel sick after waiting 30 minutes, wait longer. If you feel like you don’t have enough energy after waiting 60 minutes, exercise sooner.As for after exercising, I’ve always heard that it’s best to eat something 30 minutes to an hour after hydrating. However, just like eating before exercising, it probably depends on the person.
Should i eat before or after excercise?
Q: i cant excercise after having dinner. is exe in the moring is good ? can i do it empty stomach?
A: if you are talking about cardio exercise to burn fat, your best time to do it is in the morning on an empty stomach, exercise any time of the day os good but doing it 1st thing in morning before food will burn more fat than right after a meal..

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