Is it safe to work out same muscles two days in a row

Is it safe to work out same muscles two days in a row

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it safe to work out same muscles two days in a row”,you can compare them.

You shouldn’t workout the same muscles in a row because they won’t grow and won’t get rest. It’s best to vary your routine. ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it safe to work out same muscles two days in a row
Is it safe to work the same muscle groups two days in a row??
Absolutely – and sometimes necessary (necessary for me), depending on your goals, to work three specific muscle groups as often as it takes to get results. Always do complete stretching exercises for every muscle group you’re going to work …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it safe to work the same muscle groups two days in a row?
A: Absolutely – and sometimes necessary (necessary for me), depending on your goals, to work three specific muscle groups as often as it takes to get results. Always do complete stretching exercises for every muscle group you’re going to work prior to beginning. I prefer to do them 6 days in a row/every work-out. Also do more sets (5) at higher reps (12-15) = less weight. This includes calves, forearms and abdominals (I always do one set of abs to exhaustion – hold a loose weight behind your head to keep the reps down – finish off the work-out with them). It is not OK to work other muscles two days straight (split muscle groups into two equal parts and alternate for a work-out every day). Back, thighs, pecs, shoulders, tri-ceps, all in order. (all 3 sets 8-12 reps for me). 1 minute rest between sets BTW. Don’t make it too much of a routine – use different exercises to work the same muscle groups sometimes.

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