Is it healthy to lose 5 pounds a week

Is it healthy to lose 5 pounds a week

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The Magic 8 ball says, “No only 2 pounds is healthy becareful”!. Thanks for doing the ChaCha with me!. Text back soon. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it healthy to lose 5 pounds a week
Is it healthy to lose 5 pounds a week?
Realistically, it depends on how much you weigh. A pound of body fat equates to about 3500 calories. So if you burn 500 calories more than you eat each day, you would lose approximately one pound per week. If you burn 1000 calories more tha…
How to Lose 5 Pounds in 1 Week – Quick and Healthy??
In this article I will show you that there actually are ways to lose weight fast but that it is not healthy for you. We could make a deal, well, it is you that have to make a deal with yourself. I will show you a method that guarantees a we…
Is it okay/healthy to lose 4.5 pounds in a week and a half??
It depends on how over weigh you are. If you are heavy and you start exercising and dieting you will kick your metabolism into overdrive. You will lose more at first but the amout will decrease as time goes on.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it healthy to lose 2.5 pounds a week?
Q: Is it healthy to lose 2.5 pounds a week? (Or 1.4 kilograms?) Will it all come back if I stop my diet? Will my metabolism slow because it’s getting used to the limited food intake?
A: I’d say it is. But of course if you stop your diet like stop eating healthy and go back to your old ways and stop exercising you will gain weight back, just like with any diet. If you wanna remain healthy and keep the weight off think of it as a lifestyle change instead of a diet. you’ll have to keep at the healthy eating and exercise to keep the weight off. Once you get to your goal weight you can higher your calorie intake, though. so you won’t lose anymore weight you’ll just maintain it.
Is it healthy to lose 5-6 pounds a week?
Q: Im workout out daily to tae bo boot camp, and i have lost 6 pounds one week and 4 another, but i was wondering if it was healthy losing 5-6 pounds every week just by workout out a lot. What is the healthy weekly weight loss?
A: yes, that is healthy if you are staying on a good diet. but most people lose a lot more weight the first few weeks, its water weight. You will probably progressively slow down to more like 3-4 lbs a week as you continue.
I work out three times a week and eat healthy how long will it take to lose 5 pounds?
Q: I work out three times a week, and I eat healthy, i want to lose more weight, but about how long will it take for me to lose 5 pounds in a healthy amount of time.
A: You could lose 5 pounds easily in 2 weeks!I am 5’5 and weigh 135 I am also 28 and have had 3 kids. Also, I don’t know what your eating habits are, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt for me to tell you that portion is everything. Instead of eating a whole candy bar, eat half of one, hell, eat HALF of everything you eat and you will never have a weight problem.Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water a day, green tea is very good for your body as an antioxidant and help subtly speed up the metabolism. Salads (without fatty dressings and cheese) are very good for you, chicken is the king of meat in my opinion, as long as you don’t fry it. Avoid fast food entirely, and walk anywhere you can as often as possible and buy a 10 minute tae bo dvd on ebay. Drink diet sodas and juices (aka – cherry coke zero, sobe lean, crystal light, etc.) avoid sugar, switch to the 100 calorie snack packs, including popcorn. Eat apples, they are very filling! Cheese is an unecessary evil as well, so is milk, if you have to have it, drink the fat free kind. 100 calorie popcorn is a great snack. Eat turkey lunchmeat instead of a whole sandwich, etc. Eating is necessary, over eating is not. I also have a meal shake in place of a meal, I find it incredibly helpful at 3:00 in the afternoon.

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