If I am 5’2 "how much am I suppose to weigh

If I am 5’2 "how much am I suppose to weigh

Health related question in topics Health Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “If I am 5’2 "how much am I suppose to weigh”,you can compare them.

For males: 130-150lbs, females: 110-130…depending on build. CHACHA [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-i-am-5%272-%22how-much-am-i-suppose-to-weigh ]
More Answers to “If I am 5’2 "how much am I suppose to weigh
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A: You have Guru mahadasha till 25/03/2011This is a good thing BUT you have Rahu Anterdasha from29/10/2008 till 25 /03 /2011this period WILL pose problems for you .Then shani Mahadasha begins from 26/03/2011 and will last till 25/03 /2030Shani is Vergottam so this period will be , more or less comfort giving .
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A: I dont know man. thats very hard.
what is 3x/2=x/5-39/5?
Q: need help
A: x=-6heres how need to have an LCD which is 10. now (10)3x/2= 15x,.. 2 goes into 10 5 times so 3x*5=15x(10)x/5= 2x, 5 goes into 10 2times so x*2= 2x(10)-39/5= -78, 5 goes into 10 2times so 2*-39= -78….now you have15x=2x-78= 13x=-78 which x=-6

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