How to Calculate Your BMI (Body Mass Index)

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a reliable way to determine whether you are at a normal weight. It is a measure of weight relative to height. There are a variety of BMI calculators, including free online ones, but it can also be calculated manually with a formula.

How to Calculate Your BMI:

First, write your weight in pounds. Next, write your height in inches squared, and multiply it by 703. Divide your weight by this number. The formula is:

Weight (in pounds) / [height (in inches)]2 x 703

The Meaning of This Number:

A BMI lower than 18.5 indicates that one is underweight.
A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 indicates that one is at a normal weight.
A BMI between 25.0 and 29.9 indicates that one is overweight.
A BMI of 30.0 and above indicates that one is obese.


Although the BMI is a good tool for improving one’s health, it is not perfect. BMI does not account for muscle mass, so if your weight is mostly muscle, the BMI might not be an accurate indicator of your health.

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