How much should I weight if I am 5’11 tall

How much should I weight if I am 5’11 tall

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How much should I weight if I am 5’11 tall”,you can compare them.

A 5′ 11″ tall male should weigh between 155 – 189 lbs. A female should weigh between 140 -171 lbs. ChaCha again soon and have a great day! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much should I weight if I am 5’11 tall
What is the ideal weight for a man 5’11 tall?
I think 180 LBS. strikes me as a good weight. I’m shorter but since I have wide shoulders I never was a light weight so I am not a fair guide to go upon. I defy the standard body type. I am about 5′ 8″ but I have to wear Xtra large due…
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I would say a 20-year old dude who stands 5’11 tall should weigh anywhere between 170 and 200. Of course, it depends on bone structure and body frame. On average, shoot for 180.
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I dont think so. Your genetics also come with your weight. Im 13 and weigh about 85-89 pounds and my dad had about the same weight as i do when he was my age. So just be glad your not fat. If you want to gain some weight exercise and gain m…

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