How much does Hayley Williams weigh

How much does Hayley Williams weigh

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How much does Hayley Williams weigh”,you can compare them.

Hayley Williams weighs in at 133 pounds. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much does Hayley Williams weigh
How much does Hayley Williams weigh?
I think she weighs about 110 – 118lbs
Was Hayley Williams abused as a kid?
I’ve never heard anything of that sort about her and I’m a big fan of her and the band. She had to deal with her parents getting divorced but besides that there hasn’t been anything like that.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How much does Hayley Williams weigh?
Q: I’m not a stalker or anything, it’s just that I want to lose weight, and since we’re the same height, my goal is to be at least as skinny as her.Thanks (:
A: I hate to break it to you , but trying to be exactly like someone else weight wise is extremely unhealthy.Your body isn’t the exact same as hers so what she does and what you do will have different affects.If you want to lose weight then do it right and eat healthy, exercise and be active.
How much does Hayley Williams from paramore weigh?
A: She’s about five foot one.I would imagine her to be maybe 100 pounds… give or take a few pounds.I’m not sure and I would think that only Hayley truely knows the answer to this question.
How much does Hayley Williams of Paramore weigh?
A: Who gives a sh-t?

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