How much can the strongest man in the world lift

How much can the strongest man in the world lift

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Mark Henry could clean nearly 500lbs and he was making headlines constantly in the weight lifting world. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much can the strongest man in the world lift
Who is the worlds strongest man and how much could he lift??
There are many. A lot of people are storonger in their individual lifts. Look up powerlifting world records, fastest sprints, olympic lift wrld records, strongest man winners, and than look up body parts, strongets arms , strongest hands, e…
How much can the worlds strongest man lift, and how much can the …?
It depends on the type of lift; look online for the Worlds Strongest Man competition (it is televised on occasion) and see the different lifts and weights

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Q: How much weight can the world’s strongest man lift, and what would the pounds be compared to in size, and shape, example … If he could lift 1,000lbs, that would be equal to a small tree, or something, get the idea ??
A: Cyr Louis………In 1895 in Boston he lifted on his back a platform holding 18 fat men weighing 1967 kg – believed the heaviest weight ever lifted by a man. …
How much can the worlds strongest man lift, and how much can the worlds strongest woman lift?
Q: I need to know the weight the strongest man/woman can lift…also, what is the average a man can lift? and what is a womans?
A: It depends on the type of lift; look online for the Worlds Strongest Man competition (it is televised on occasion) and see the different lifts and weights
How many kilos can the worlds strongest man lift?
Q: How many kilos can the worlds strongest man lift?
A: It depends what type of lift. Dead lift (world record broken recently) = 457 kilos. Squat = 550kilos approx. Clean & Jerk = 255 kilos approx. All this info, however, available online.The greatest weight ever lifted by a human was an amazing three and a half tons. This was reputadly done by a man called Paul Anderson in the 1950’s. It was achieved by a type of lift known as the back lift. This was not a recognised type of lift in official weightlifting circles, either power or olympic lifting. However, Paul Anderson did, at the time, hold world records in olympic and power lifting. He allegedly squatted a greater weight than the current recognized world record, but it was not witnessed. At the time they couldn’t manufacture bars to hold the weight. He used to improvise with the wheels and axle from railway locomotives.

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