How many steps are in a mile

How many steps are in a mile

Health related question in topics Demographics Conversational Math .We found some answers as below for this question “How many steps are in a mile”,you can compare them.

For many people, 2000 steps equal one mile but it really depends on the length of your stride. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many steps are in a mile
Of course it depends on how big your steps are but a ballpark number would be 2000. How many steps depends on who the individual is and their size, how they walk etc. What I can tell you is that there are 5,280 feet in one mile.’steps’_are_in_a_mile
Summary: In a mile, there are approximately 2,000 steps, but it depends on the stride length and pace. Find out how many steps are in a mile, whether walking or running, with advice from a personal trainer in this free video on exercise and…
Many many years ago, when I was in uniform, we marched with a pace of thirty inches (do you remember those old fashioned measurements?) So, dividing the 63,360 inches in a mile by the thirty inches of a pace gives the answer 2,112. But, of …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many steps on average are there in a mile?
Q: I want to start exercisng so I figured if i walked around my yard and counted the steps to a mile I would try and do a mile a day…..what do you think?
A: 1760 for someone like me who covers 3′ (one yard) in a stride. Measure out a known distance – usually a high school track is 400 meters (which is about 1/4 miles). However many steps it takes you to go around that track once, multiply by 4 to get your steps per mile.If you have a long tape measure – say 100′ – measure off that distance and count your steps. and multiply by 53 and you’ll be close.
How many steps are in a mile and 3/4th of a mile?
Q: I am starting to walk 3/4 of a mile everyday and dont know how many steps are in a mile.
A: its about 2000 steps for a full mile so…..3/4 mile would be 1500steps
How many steps are in a mile?
Q: I would like to know on average how many steps make up a mile. I know people take bigger steps. I am 5feet 6inches tall and would like to know the average steps that make up 1 mile.
A: It depends on the length of your stride. If you do an average of a 30″ step, there would be approximately 2112 steps per mile.

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