How many sit ups do you need to do to get a six pack

How many sit ups do you need to do to get a six pack

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It takes more than sit ups. A lean midsection takes a combination of good nutrition, cardiovascular conditioning, and ab training. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many sit ups do you need to do to get a six pack
How often, and how many sit ups do I need to do to get a six pack…?
You can do a million a day for all anyone cares, doesn’t mean it’s going to get you a six pack. That’s like the biggest lie on earth. Crunches and sit ups do NOT in any way burn fat on your stomach to get you a six pack. Unless you have ext…
HOw many sit up do i need to get a six pack.
Yeah, I agree, the key to a six pack is diet. You get the ‘six pack’ when there is no fat over the muscles of your abs. So if you do heaps and heaps of sit ups, your abs are just going to look bigger and there’s a possibility you’ll look bi…
How many sit ups do i need to do a day to get a 6 pack??
They say sit-ups are dangerous and ineffective. Just do crunches. Take a look at wikipedia. And yeah I kinda agree cause I feel pain too when I do sit-ups. Regarding the # of times, whatever the guy above said.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many sit-ups do you need to do to get six pack?
Q: How many sit-ups do you need to do to get six pack ?
A: 200 a day for a week. Give or take 50 – 100 depending on how thin / fat your belly is.
How often, and how many sit ups do I need to do to get a six pack?
Q: How often, and how many sit ups do I need to do to get a six pack, and how long time will it take if I start today?
A: You can do a million a day for all anyone cares, doesn’t mean it’s going to get you a six pack.That’s like the biggest lie on earth. Crunches and sit ups do NOT in any way burn fat on your stomach to get you a six pack. Unless you have extreemly little fat on your stomach to begin with.You need to go on a hardcore abs diet and to LOTS of cardio untill the fat on your stomach is burned off. Sit ups won’t help you.-Connor
I want to defined my six pack. How many sit ups should i do a day?
Q: I’m skinny weight about 106 nd you can see my six pack but i want to define it more nd work out the bottom park of ur abs…i want to define…How many sit ups a day you should do?
A: Atleast 100 a day,, or to 150

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