How many days a week should someone workout

How many days a week should someone workout

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How many days a week should someone workout”,you can compare them.

A human should workout at least 5 times a week for at least an hour each day to be in good shape. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many days a week should someone workout
How many days a week should someone workout?
Well, 3 times a week is good because you want to give your muscles time to rebuild themselves. Because when you excersize you are literally destroying your muscles and when they grow back they become stronger in an attempt to not get “…

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Q: a week should i workout and how many hours a day should i workout i wanna be in a college basketball team soon when i graduate than i wanna go pro but i kno its not easy. so i need tips on (days a week & hours a day in the gym).i DONT wanna lose weight im 145 pds 5’10 and i dont want to do excersies that stops me from growing taller.
A: 3 days a week for 1 hour, and it doesn’t stunt your growth its a myth
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Q: I guess i am overtraining.I workout 3-4 days a week.Full body parts.1 hour and 20 minutes/day.Is that good or bad.Should i continue with this routile or try a different one.lIke exampleMonday-WorkoutTuesday-RestWednesday-WorkoutThursday-RestFRiday-WorkoutSaturday-RestSunday-Rest
A: There is an old weightlifting saying, “muscles are built at home.” It is very true, and what it means is this: Your body can only rebuild muscles when resting. Never work out the same body part two days in a row (except for aerobic excersize, you can do that 6 days a week), or you might actually shrink the muscles you are working on. Concentrait hard on one muscle group for an hour, then don’t work it the next day so it will grow. When you work out what you are actually doing is tearing down the muscle, ripping it up, that is why you feel weaker afterworlds…you are weaker. The next day your body will heal that muscle and grow it. However if you work out the very next day and the muscle hasn’t fully healed, you will tear it down even more, at best, you will only maintain.So do upper body one day, then lower body the next. Or do arms real hard one day, neck and back the next, pecks the next, etc. Give your body time to build those muscles nice and big.EDIT: That sounds like a good program. You can do full body as long as you give yourself a full days rest, sounds like a good regine keep it up (also, remember to switch up your workouts every other month or so, your body is very smart and will eventually adapt to whatever excersizes you are doing. Switch it up, try new things, and you will have the best results).
How many days a week should I workout?
Q: I want to get my body toned and gain some muscle. When I am at the gym I workout for about an hour; 40 min circuit weights, 20 min cardio (inc. abs). If this is my regular routine how many days a week should I do it to see an effect?
A: 3 to 4 times a wk.

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