How many cals? Do you have to burn to lose a pound

How many cals? Do you have to burn to lose a pound

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3,500 calories are in 1 pound. Consuming 3,500 calories more than you need adds a pound, burning 3,500 calories drops a pound. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many cals? Do you have to burn to lose a pound
How many calories do you have to burn to lose a pound??
You have to burn 3500 excess calories to lose a pound of fat. At 100 calories per mile walking, you need to walk an extra 35 miles to burn off a pound a week!
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One pound of fat is equal to approximately 3500 calories. If you want to burn a pound per week you …
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

you need to burn 3500 calories to lose a pound, do your daily 2000 cals burned count?
Q: *daily 2000 cals burned = what your body spends to keep you going, and not your exercise cals.
A: Everyone needs so many calories a day just to breathe. Lets say it is 2,000.So if you eat less than 2,000 calories in a given day you run a calorie deficit. So on Monday your food & drink intakes 1,900 calories yielding a deficit of 100 calories. You have 3,400 more deficit calories to losing a pound.However, if you eat 2,100 calories in a given day yielding a calorie surplus of 100 calories. You are now 3,400 calories from gaining a pound of weight.Exercise & physical activity raises the threshold. So you go downhill skiing for an hour (according the database I use) you now are alloted roughly 2,800 calories in the day. If you keep your food intake at 1,900 calories than you have a deficit of 900 calories 2,600 more deficit calories to rack up.Get it?
how many calories should i burn each day to lose 1 pound?
Q: is this right? 3500 calories = 1 burning 500 cals each day should reduce my weight by 1 poound, considering i workout 7 days a week?
A: First you need to check what your basal metabolic rate is, also known as BMR. Say your BMR is 1800 calories. Make sure you eat no more then the 1800 calories a day, plus, exercise and burn off an additional 500 a day and in a week you should have lost a pound. But if you eat more then your BMR, then you will not lose and may gain, even with exercise. There are BMR calculators on the net, just do a search and try to keep your intake within th BMR requirements and you will lose weight safely.
if i drank only water for a week, how many cals and pounds would i burn?
Q: i want to lose some pounds. of course im going to eat healthy food, but i mean like replacing vitamin water with water, or soda with water. how much would i lose (cals and pounds) after a week?
A: You are going to loss weight because your not going to drink sugar, I don’t see any risk in that…she said that she’s going to eat healthy not that she going to starve herself, but then if you want to loss weight you will need longer time then that, a week is not enough,and then go for a long walk after dinner. It really help a lot. That what im doing.

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