How many calories does an hour of shopping burn

How many calories does an hour of shopping burn

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How many calories does an hour of shopping burn”,you can compare them.

A 140 pound person burns 151 calories shopping for 60 minutes. Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories does an hour of shopping burn
How many calories am I likely to burn when shopping for about 3 h…?
How many calories you burn doing anything depends on your size to begin with, as well as your age and the intensity of the exercise. Most weight-tracking software that calculates calories burned does this based on a 150 pound person exercis…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many calories am I likely to burn when shopping for about 3 hours?
Q: I would like to know how many calories I would burn when shopping for approximately 3 hours, thankyou!!!
A: How many calories you burn doing anything depends on your size to begin with, as well as your age and the intensity of the exercise. Most weight-tracking software that calculates calories burned does this based on a 150 pound person exercising for 60 minute increments, and then adjusts the total up or down based on your personal information. That said, a 150 pound person would burn around 200 calories per hour shopping. And that’s a more or less figure, a variable, because sometimes while shopping you speed up, you slow down, you lift things, or you’re clothes shopping and trying on jeans that you have to jump up and down to fit in…and sometimes you’re just standing still pondering the peanut butter. See what I mean? A good site for you is, which will let you input your height, weight, and age, and then you can search lists of activities and find out, tailored to your stats, how many calories you burn doing just about anything.
How many calories do you burn while shopping? [I reallly need to know]?
Q: I’m just reallllly curious about that. Keep in mind this is in a mall, and I shop at about 15 different places scattered across it. This is for about two hours. I’m 5’4 & weigh 138 pounds. How many calories do you think I would burn?Thanks, I reallllly appreciate it 🙂
A: Its basically walking. Here’s a calculator U can enter how long & fast U walked & get cals burnd.
how many calories do u burn when you go shopping at the mall for like 2 1/2 hours?
A: 287cals

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