How many calories do you burn jogging one mile

How many calories do you burn jogging one mile

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How many calories do you burn jogging one mile”,you can compare them.

The calories burned depends on your weight and speed but jogging at 5mph and weighing 150 lbs you would lose 278 calories. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories do you burn jogging one mile
How many calories do you burn jogging one mile?
The answer depends on speed and time. You probably burn about 300 calories / hour, or 80 to 85 calories. For a person weighing 100 pounds, jogging at 5 miles an hour (12 minute miles,) it is about 375 calories an hour. A bit faster, at 6 mi…
How many calories do you burn jogging 1 mile?
Well it depends on your weight, fitness level, incline of the surface, how much body heat your clothing holds in, how hydrated you are… etc. Usually somewhere between 100-150 calories per mile. ~ M for a one hour jog its about 900 calorie…
How many calories do you burn while jogging one mile??
Actually,your height and weight apply to all fitness activities,but there is not that much caloric burn difference on a grand scale. One mile is not a long way. Walking it can still be done in 15 minutes or less at a farely easy pace. Even …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

About how many calories does jogging a mile burn?
Q: I need to know how many calories jogging and running a mile burns. Thank you.
A: Depends how fast you run and how much you weigh. A 130 lb woman who runs a 10 minute mile burns 100 calories.
how many calories do you burn jogging one mile?
Q: I weigh 103 if that matters.about 17 minutes.on the road… idk how fast i was going.
A: The answer depends on speed and time. You probably burn about 300 calories / hour, or 80 to 85 calories.For a person weighing 100 pounds, jogging at 5 miles an hour (12 minute miles,) it is about 375 calories an hour. A bit faster, at 6 miles per hour (a 10 minute mile) is about 500 calories an hour.If you are instead running at 10 miles an hour (6 minute miles,) you burn 850 calories. On the other hand, walking at 3 miles per hour (20 minute miles) would be only 210 calories per hour.You can look at the chart below, and figure out how much you burn per hour based on your speed.
How many calories does jogging a mile burn? Also how many does walking a mile burn?
Q: Does body type make a difference in how many calories are burned? If so I’m 5’3 128lbs
A: Check out this web site. It will help you a lot.

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