How many calories do you burn in a mile if you walk it

How many calories do you burn in a mile if you walk it

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You will burn 100 calories if you walk a mile. Thanks for using ChaCha, keep the questions coming in!! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories do you burn in a mile if you walk it
How many calories do I burn by walking a mile??
An average 150-pound person burns between 80 and 100 calories per mile. That number can change depending on your height, your weight, your fitness level, whether you’re walking on hills or level terrain, what you’re wearing, the outside tem…
How many calories are burned walking one mile??
This will vary depending on the individual, speed walked, terrain, etc. An average is 100 calories per mile.
Does walking a mile and running a mile burn the same amount of ca…?
I get really tired and sore, im not fat, after running a mile, plus, my dog does not ever get enough exercise. So, I generally walk the mile for my dog so he gets more time outside. My question is walking a mile and running a mile burning…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many calories do you burn by walking a mile?
Q: So actually I have two questions. About how many calories would I burn walking a mile at a moderate speed?…and would I burn the same amount of calories walking a mile instead of running?I weigh about 135-137 and I’m 5’11.
A: Typically, an average person burns about 400 calories a day, just by doing your normal everyday life. Anything between 4mph and 6mph is considered Power walking. Anything below that would be considered just casual walking, as if you’re walking down to the store or something. Not sure of how fast you consider “medorate speed”. However, power walking a mile at 4mph, could burn you anywhere from 60 to 80 calories on the city. On the mountains, you could burn anywhere from 80 calories to 110 calories. This is because of the inclination level, mountains have a higher inclination level than there is in cities. The higher the inclination level, the more resistance you have when walking, and therefore burn more calories.Now as far as burning more cals walking rather than running, Speed is a factor, as your body requires more energy for the muscles to react and move faster, and therefore gets it’s energy from calories. So indeed, you do burn more calries running rather than walking, almost 200 to 300 calories more, depending on how fast your running speed is, and your metabolism. However, if you maitain a healthy diet, or have good eating habits, power walking should be good enough for your body index.
How many calories does a 4 mile speed walk burn?
Q: I did a 4 mile speed walk on thursday night. I would like to know how many calories i could of burned. I would also like to know if the wii fit – island lap for 30 minutes every day will help me lose weight??
A: 400-415. A mile = 100 calories, no matter what speed you complete it.
whats the average number of calories do you burn in a mile walking and how many do you burn running??
Q: i walk 2 or 3 miles a day, i’m not over weight, i’m 170lbs and 5 ft 8, i want to know how many calories i burn walking. and if i started running how many would i burn then????

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