How do you tone the back of your legs

How do you tone the back of your legs

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Do exercises like the High Knee Drill, stand in place, feet hip width apart, drive knee up to chest & back down, repeat like a jog [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you tone the back of your legs
How can you tone the back of your legs?
deep squats with light weight and alot of reps…also you can do leg presses…running also helps
What exercises tone the back of your legs?
Hamstring curls (laying face down on the leg extension machine), running of course, leg presses are good – but the best I’ve found is running in the pool (3ft) and focusing on the back of your legs for movement (which the water forces you t…
What is a good excersise to tone the back of your legs?
squats, lunges you should go to and search leg workouts and they’ll show you how to do them.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What exercises tone the back of your legs?
Q: I’ve been trying to tone the back of my legs (my hamstrings, I guess?) and I’ve run out of ideas on exercises to do so. Any advice? Thanks!I forgot to add that I already run 2-4 miles a day. The water thing sounds really cool…
A: Hamstring curls (laying face down on the leg extension machine), running of course, leg presses are good – but the best I’ve found is running in the pool (3ft) and focusing on the back of your legs for movement (which the water forces you to do). Good luck with it – the back of the legs is one of the hardest places to tone.
What’s a good way to tone up the back of your legs?
Q: Every way i’ve tried to tone up the back of my legs, it only works my front thighs. I can’t find anything that’s good for the back of your legs, right under your butt. Anything?
A: barbell squats and dumbell lunges
How do you tone your back/legs/upper and lower belly/?
Q: i run about 2 miles a day and yes it has helped alot but i want my back and belly muscles to be toned crunches hurt my back ….can you please help
A: well its tough call. not everyday, you should have at least 1-2 days a week workout free so your body can repair.running isn’t the most effective way of getting a six back. because you say the term six pack i assume you want a toned six pack and toned body. if you look at all those long distance runners they have six packs, but still have a flabby look to them slightly due to lack of muslce.weight training is the optimal way of getting that toned look. here is why. to get six pack need to burn calories. working out burns them but your body burns even at rest, now how much depends on the person. a bodybuilder like lets say arnold in his prime vs regular guy Joe. arnold has alot more muslce mass which requires energy around the clock to sustain itself so arnold body is burning maybe 5x more at rest than joe. think of a mustang with 8 cyclinder engine and Civic with 4cyclinder engine. pour 10gallons of gasoline in both and start them and just let them idle. the mustang will run out first cause it has to feed 8 cyclinders. so your body essentially works the same way. if you weight train and build more muscle mass your body will burn more calories. less calories = fat loss=toned

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