How do i get bigger biceps

How do i get bigger biceps

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Follow these tips and you’ll have amazing biceps: 1) Stick to only one targeted arms workout per week. 2) Start every single repetition with your arms fully extended. 3) At the very top of your curl, squeeze the muscle hard for approx. 1-2 seconds. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do i get bigger biceps
・ 1 To get big biceps you have to tear the muscle fibers and then give them time to recover and repair… ・ 2 Once you get done with your workout drink a whey protein shake to immediately aid in the muscle recovery. ・ 3 Workout your triceps…
get a set where you can add more weights on as you improve as it is different for everyone what weight they can lift . What you want to be doing is bicep curls (look it up on google if you don’t know what that is) and you should aim to do 3…
it is almost impossible to gain muscle without pumping. you must do weights in order to increase size. but if don’t want to do weights you have a second choice that will not give you bigger biceps but will give you a ripped look that migh…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you get bigger biceps?
Q: I’m really skinny. I’m 15 years old boy(hitted puberty already) 5 foot 3 about 107 pounds. But my arms look like a 5 year old arms. And my biceps are really small i can almost wrap my hand around them. I have only 8 pound dumbells. I can’t upgrade because i can’t afford it. I have done 3 sets of 100 curls with the 8 pounder everyday for the past 3 days. If i continue to do this will i get any bigger? Also how else can i get bigger? I eat a lot but never seem to get any bigger.
A: Sorry to say but with that weight, you won’t get bigger.3 sets of 100 curls is a waste of time.You should be doing 3 sets of 6-10 reps for increasing muscle size. But that’s only useful if you’re using increasingly heavier weight set after set. And you need to be doing more exercises during your workout. Doing 100 curls with 8lbs isn’t going to do anything because you’re biceps aren’t being stressed enough to promote growth. You need to be putting stress on them (use heavier weight!) in order for growth.Since you are limited to 8lb dumbbells, you won’t achieve much muscle growth. As for eating alot but not getting bigger, you either have a high metabolism or you need to eat more than you already are.My advice is to find a local gym and get a membership. It’ll be the best thing you can do.You’re very limited in equipment and it restricts you from doing much.
How do I get bigger biceps fast?
Q: Im 6′ 160lb and want to get bigger biceps fast. I’ve been doing curls for 3 months but have not seen any difference yet.How often should I work out,what exercises should I do and how long should I rest for.
A: Use a curl bar and you dont want to put to much on so that you lose the concentration of using your bicep. Do about 5-6 sets during your workout everyday and than if you have one at home, do a set befor you go to sleep. Take creatine and whey protein (You can buy them at your local health/supplement shop. A good one in the Vitaminee Shope) Take one drink with the supplements 30 minutes before you workout and one immediately after you finish. I did this and im not kidding, 3 days after i started people were telling me my arms looked bigger. Its all about loading up the biceps with the right stuff. Whey protein is simplely just fast metablising protein and creatine has been looked at skeptically by some people but its proven to be safe and really effective.If you want results id go to the gym 5 days a week. And I’d go ahead and throw in a few dumbbell curls as well. And if your feeling saucy maybe some iso-bicep curls. Those have a seat attached to a 45 degree angled pad facing away from you where you can lay your arms out on them.
How do I acheive bigger biceps?
Q: I am an average build male, fairly fit and healthy, with quite a good chest, which in turn makes my biceps look smaller. What exercises can I do to ‘guarantee’ bigger biceps, and does anybody recommend any supplements such as creatine? I am not a gym member so thinks I can do at home please, thanks!
A: The simplest way to get what you want is to increase your protein intake and do bicep curls. Aim for more weight and less reps. Creatine wouldn’t hurt, but the jury’s still out on if it actually does anything to help.

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