How can you get tall legs

How can you get tall legs

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How can you get tall legs”,you can compare them.

The length of your legs are all in your genes if you are fully grown nothing can make you taller except a pair of heels. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you get tall legs
How can you get taller legs?
I think you are pretty much cooked… at least 95% done in the oven. But you may gain an inch or two in the next few years if you eat well and do excersice, basketball should be good, but really, nothing is not going to do much at this poin…
How do i get thicker legs? I’m tall and naturally skinny.??
doing squats is the best thing you can do for your lower body. those will hit your thighs more than anything. throw in some calve raises and lunges for a full work out. running and cycling will help a lot too.
Did yao ming do surgery on his legs to get taller?
No he didn’t. There has been a lot of speculation as to whether he was given growth hormones as a child but, officially, he hasn’t had any surgery performed to increase his height.

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