How can I learn to do a toe touch

How can I learn to do a toe touch

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I attached a link to 5 star youtube video for toe touch exercises. Start with both feet together. Find a high object in, more? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can I learn to do a toe touch
How to improve your toe touches
For Cheerleaders who want to improve their jumps.
How long does it take to learn a TOE TOUCH?
I know from experience that everyone learns at a different rate, but if you’re flexible and fit I say you could probably learn it in less than two weeks if you practice everyday and really work at it.
Do u think i could learn a close to perfect toe touch in a month??
yinz jus need to practice more n’at n yinz will git da hang of it n’at

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does it take to learn a TOE TOUCH?!?
Q: im a pretty flexible and fit and i wanted to know how long does it usaully take to learn a toe touch?do you think i could learn it in two weeks if i practice every single day?
A: I know from experience that everyone learns at a different rate, but if you’re flexible and fit I say you could probably learn it in less than two weeks if you practice everyday and really work at it.
How to learn a toe touch in 2 days?
Q: dance team tryouts are tuesdayit is 2:40 on sunday right nowi have today and tomorrow to practicecan someone help me to make my touch touch presentable because im veryyy unflexible. like pointers on how to begin to ???thanks 😉
A: wow it’s a little late, so you may not get at perfect, or presentable. Ok so stretch! sit with ur legs in a straddle and reach your arms out as far as you can for well let’s say 30 seconds, then repeat ALOT! Also work on jumps, go on youtube and look up ‘ how to do a toe touch’ and click the toe touch exercises, Hope this helps! Good luck on your tryouts! hope ya make it.
How can I learn how to do a toe touch jump?
Q: I want to try out for cheerleading at the end of the school year and i have to know how to do a toe touch jump. How can i learn how to do one and fast!
A: There are 3 things to remember when practicing your toe touch – flexibility, height, and technique! All are important and I will give you some exercises and things to practice to improve your toe touch: A.) FLEXIBILITY – 1st start stretching in a straddle sit. Then have someone push on your back to assist with your stretching. Exercise 1.) For some exercises, lay flat on your back with your hands underneath your buttocks. Keep your back on the ground and legs together, pull your legs up off the ground. Start separating your legs as you come up and eventually snap a toe touch. If you can touch your toes to the ground then you flexibility is excellent. Then on the way down bring your legs together and lay your heels back on the ground. Do this 10 times for 3 sets. Exercise 2.) Lay flat on your back with your arms straight above your head and your legs together. Start by using your abs and pull your arms down through your legs. At the same time snap a straddle snap (toe touch). Do this 10 times for 3 sets. B.) HEIGHT – Now start working on your jump and improve your height. It will give you enough time to snap your legs up and bring them back down without bending them and loosing your balance. Exercise 1.) Find some bleachers and/or a chair. Stand in front with both feet together on the ground. Now jump straight up on the chair/bleachers, and then back off. Do this for 30 seconds non stop for 2-3sets. This will increase your jumping ability. Exercise 2.) Have a spotter stand behind you and grab your waist. On count execute you jump. Have the spotter help lift you off the ground (just a little). This will give you the idea of what it’s supposed to feel like to hit the correct height on the toe touch. C.) TECHNIQUE – Know how to throw the toe touch. 1.) Keep your chest up. Too many girls drop their chest and it actually makes the jump look lower than it should.2.) Do not touch your toes…kick your legs behind your arms. If you touch you toes, then it reduces the height of your jump. 3.) Straight legs up and on the way down for the landing. Make sure you do not bend your legs on the way up or down. You will loose points for tryouts. 4.) Land with your feet together. 5.) Keep your toes pointed

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