Does alcohol slow your metabolism down

Does alcohol slow your metabolism down

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Food Drink Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does alcohol slow your metabolism down”,you can compare them.

Alcohol slows your metabolism by depressing the central nervous system. So water is the best drink to have with a meal. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does alcohol slow your metabolism down
Does Alcohol Slow Down Your Metabolism?
Most people fail to lose weight because they refuse to make the lifestyle changes necessary in order to cause that fat to burn away. Most people know what it takes to lose weight. They do. They may say they don’t, that they don’t know how t…
Does alcohol slow down the body’s metabolism?
Wine is my drink of choice as well. One 4 oz glass has about 100 calories, so if you have, say 2-3 glasses, you need to factor in 200-300 calories into your diet. I dont really know about the metabolism effects it may have.
Does sleeping slow the metabolism of alcohol??
No matter whether you are sleeping or awake, it takes a certain amount of time for alcohol to be absorbed into the body depending the amount you drink and its percentage.

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A: Wine is my drink of choice as well. One 4 oz glass has about 100 calories, so if you have, say 2-3 glasses, you need to factor in 200-300 calories into your diet.I dont really know about the metabolism effects it may have.
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Q: im terribly skinny, although i have been working out and gained a couple pounds. The thing is, i eat ALOT and i don’t gain any fat at all! What can i do to slow down my metabolism? i heard drinking alcohol slows it down, but that guy mightve been fooled by the ‘beer belly’ and the fact that alcohol slows down ur mind…
A: Go to GNC at the mall, they have shakes that will help you gain weight. Or I could trade you my metabolism, mine is nonexistent. Good Luck

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