Do you burn more calories watching tv or sleeping

Do you burn more calories watching tv or sleeping

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Do you burn more calories watching tv or sleeping”,you can compare them.

61 calories/hour are burned sleeping, assuming a body weight of 150 lbs. 84 calories are burned in 1 hour watching TV. Thanks! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do you burn more calories watching tv or sleeping
Why is it that you burn more calories sleeping, then watching TV??
・ 1. people move in their sleep and sweat and all sorts and even sleep walk… watching TV you keep fairly … ・ 2. fingernails….or at least mine do
Why do you burn more calories when you are sleeping than you do w…?
i would have to say…. its prob because your body is doing more work in digestion and matainance duriing sleep. im no expert tho but it makes sence

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is it that you burn more calories sleeping, then watching TV?
Q: Why is it that you burn more calories sleeping, then watching TV?And what growns faster? Toenails, or fingernails?And why do I find asking such random questions interesting? You don’t need to answer that 3nt one:-DThank you!Xoxo,Meaghan:]:]
A: 1. people move in their sleep and sweat and all sorts and even sleep walk… watching TV you keep fairly still and do NM2. fingernails….or at least mine do=]I enjoy random questions too!!!!!!!!
Do you really burn more calories sleeping than watching tv?
A: No, because you don’t use your thumb when your sleeping. Watching tv is a good thumb exercise you know. You can have a skinny thumb just by watching tv. Imagine if you had three pinkies. Awesome Right? And that’s the power of watching tv!! I’m jk. Actually you burn more calories when you’re awake. Period. Unperiod! That’s just what i think. Period.
why do you burn more calories when you are sleeping than you do when you are watching television?
Q: i heard u burn more calories sleeping than watching tv….y?
A: i would have to say…. its prob because your body is doing more work in digestion and matainance duriing sleep. im no expert tho but it makes sence

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