Do I burn calories when I am sleeping

Do I burn calories when I am sleeping

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Do I burn calories when I am sleeping”,you can compare them.

We can calculate how many calories you burn if we know your weight and how long you sleep. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do I burn calories when I am sleeping
Can I burn a lot of calories when I am sleeping?
depends on your metabolism. But, from the sound of it, your metabolism is working while your asleep.
How many calories am I burning by sleeping for 10 hours??
You can find out, free of charge, how many calories you burn with routine activities and how many calories are in food by going to
How many calories am I burning if I sleep all day?
Calories is a major topic when it comes to weight loss. We need to learn 3 things: the amount of calories in our food, the amount of calories a certain physical action burns every sixty minutes, and last but not least our own personal daily…

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why do you burn more calories when you are sleeping than you do when you are watching television?
Q: i heard u burn more calories sleeping than watching tv….y?
A: i would have to say…. its prob because your body is doing more work in digestion and matainance duriing sleep. im no expert tho but it makes sence
How do you burn calories when SLEEPING?
Q: I just read the answers to this (…and it got me asking this question!So please explain how sleeping burns calories? I myself dont know how because we are still! (Unless you toss and turn)
A: As others have said, you burn calories all the time, keeping warm or cooling, digesting and eliminating food are just examples.But while you sleep your body does its repair and growth, throughout the day your body’s cells and brain cells get broken down as you use them, if you exercise as well you create muscle damage which repairs mostly at night. This all takes energy.Brett
Do you lose burn more calories while sleeping or when awake?
Q: Do you lose more weight while sleeping or when awake? And I mean awake by pulling an all-nighter on a chair/lounge, occasional stroll around the house.Just wondering.
A: You burn approximately 60 calories per hour while asleep, so you’d be hard-pressed to find a waking activity that wouldn’t burn more than that.

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