What’s in a Box of Books?

Get them a box of books. Fill it up with their favorite titles and wrap in pretty paper.
They’ll wonder what could possibly be in a box so heavy. Make this a yearly tradition
and do a good job picking out child friendly authors, you know the Judy Blume kind.
You’ll get away with this if you do it right. Steer clear of anything kids don’t like or
understand. Stick with modern classics this time of year.

If they don’t know where they are at right now at this moment, how can they get to where
they’re going? Get a little sneaky if your child is failing Social Studies. Buy them a globe
and write a note that says, teacher approved with a smiley face. They’ll get the message.

Who needs educational toys and books? Kids who are at the top of their class need them
just as much as those who struggle. Afterschooling and homeschooling have a lot in common.
I was after schooled long before I ever heard of homeschooling. Afterschooling encourages
the student regardless of academic success in school. The child recieves guidance
and then, they incorporate skills they’ve learned from the homeroom teacher
into their own child lead learning based on their interests. It is homework, but it’s extra
homework and it can’t be forced. Most children want to learn and they find it fun especially
when they’re given tools rather than force fed information.
Your child benefits from afterschooling even if they don’t bring home straight A’s.
They’ll enjoy a life long thirst for learning.

Make this fun. It is Christmas. Is this the time for flash cards and work books? You can buy
the globe, but focus on your child’s interests when choosing gifts. What if your kid only wants
video games? If video games have started to get on your nerves, let your child write their
must-have-it game title on a post-it. Make sure it’s only one. Get it. They can’t say they didn’t
get any video games.

The purpose and importance of educational toys, learning tools and books far out reaches
toys that don’t encourage imagination and intelligent thought. Keep in mind, in order to decide
if a product item is educational ask yourself if it teaches a skill, offers the opportunity to learn
facts, encourages imaginative play, invites creativity or builds character.

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