The Fate of Republican Power in Government as it Relates to 2012

The 2012 elections are later on this year, in November, with the Presidency of the United States, as well as the U.S. House of Representatives & a third of the seats in the U.S. Senate up for grabs. Within the last few months or so, there have been a multitude of Republican contenders for the Presidency of the United States coming out of the wood-works. However, as the elections draw nearer, more & more of the original Republican roster is dropping out of the race. The original roster consisted of such names as Mitt Romney, Michelle Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, & Rick Santorum. Now, Romney was previously thought to have won the Iowa Caucus, but as it turns out, that was won by Santorum. However, Romney did win the New Hampshire Primary.

This is the same party that won control of the U.S. House of Representatives back in 2010. At that time, the Republicans claimed that the American people had spoken when they were put into power in the House. Since taking power in the House in 2008, they’ve forced the Democrats to compromise on a great deal of legislation. However, when the Democrats tried doing the same, the Republicans simply picked up their ball & went home, refusing to cooperate, bringing time & time again the danger of the government being shut down. The only good thing about the current government situation is that the Republicans only control a third of the lawmaking structure – the Democrats control the White House & the U.S. Senate. It has solely been because of that that the Republican’s agenda hasn’t gained much ground in Washington, D.C.

So now, onto my predictions for the Republican party as it relates to November 2012. I honestly do believe that the Republican party is destined to lose. To paraphrase their own party from 2010, I do believe the American people will make their voices heard again, when they remove the Republican party from power in the House, putting the Democrats back in power there. There is no doubt in my mind that not only will Barack Obama retain the White House, as well as the Democrats retaining the Senate, but that they will regain power in the House, due to the American public having become disheartened & disenfranchised with the Republicans since 2010. A good majority of our country’s current situation is due to the hardball tactics the Republicans has used since taking power in the House in 2010. To be completely honest, a lot of what the GOP has criticized the Obama Administration for is, in a lot of ways, the fault of the Republicans, when it comes to the unemployment rate, tax cuts, & the healthcare system, among others, due to their hardball tactics when dealing with the Democrats.

And, it would seem that political commentators, such as radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh & Fox News personality Bill O’Reilly, have become blind to the damage & destruction that the Republicans have carved in Washington since their victory in 2010. Rush Limbaugh’s remark of wanting Barack Obama to fail as President carries with it a very dangerous & very stupid way of thinking. To be honest, the only Republican that could have any chance of winning in 2012 would be Republican rogue Ron Paul, who has called for the dissolution of the Federal Reserve, amongst other actions. It could be argued that Mr. Paul seems to be the only level-headed, clear-thinking Republican currently in existence. To use an old cliche….when the smoke has cleared & the dust has settled, come January 2013, depending on the outcome of the 2012 elections, this country could very well either be on its way back to as good of an economic recovery as possible, should the Democrats win, or be on its way further down the hole, nearing more & more of a chance of a bankrupt America & a failed economy, should the Republicans gain more power. This writer certainly hopes America has learned its lesson from 2010 when it comes to Republicans being in power & will put the right people in power come 2013.

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