Smart Study Foods for College Students

It’s a known fact, college can be fattening. It’s also a fact that it doesn’t have to be. All those “study foods” we munch on can easily be traded off for some better nutritional options. Those evil little snack machines tempt us with their sweet and salty wiles, the Twinkies wink and we’re hooked, right? Well, never fear, help in here!

First of all, you want to stock up on some protein-packed munchies such as protein bars, fat-free cheeses and fat-free yogurt. These will go great in that mini-fridge. Just move the sodas and sugary treats aside. I know there’s room in there for some cheese! Beef jerky is also a great protein option, and you don’t have to worry about it spoiling and becoming your next science experiment.

Another great snack option is cut up fresh fruits and veggies. A jar of salsa and some celery sticks and baby carrots make a great little snack. An apple sliced with a little cinnamon sprinkled on is a treat for study night. You could even make you a lettuce taco with some tuna, a little light mayo and a pickle slice or two folded into a lettuce “taco” shell.

Craving something sweet? Step away from the snack machine and put your hands in the air! Try keeping some hard candies or suckers on hand. Also, gummi candies are fat free and make a good alternative to that chocolate bar. If chocolate is what you crave, grab some chocolate covered peanuts. They are filling and provide some good protein as well. Just don’t over do it because they can be fattening.

Need a pizza? Go for a veggie pizza with half of the normal amount of cheese. Try to stay away from the sausage and pepperoni because they’ll plump you up in no time! The best way to go is to grab some flour tortillas, spread with a little marinara sauce, sprinkle with some fat-free shredded cheese and top with your favorite veggies. Pop in the microwave for about a minute and voila! Pizza!

Don’t wait until you’re super hungry before eating, if you are really hungry, you will eat anything within arm’s reach. Keep healthy snacks around the dorm and throw a few in your bag.

My own experiences as a nurse from when I was in college.

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