Rheumatism – Is There a Remedy?

Rheumatism is a vague term given to a group of diseases, acute or chronic, for various causes, usually affecting the joints. In medical language, is used only accompanied by a qualifier (inflammatory rheumatism, fever r., r. degenerative, etc.)

Synonyms: degenerative arthritis, degenerative rheumatism.

Everybody suffers from joint pain from time to time, but those who suffer from degenerative rheumatism, do it almost on a daily basis and long-term debilitating joint deformities may develop. The disease affects 85% of those over 70 years.

Common traits of patients with arthritis:

-women (rarely men) aged 40 years;

-overweight or obesity for many years;

-demanding physical work in hard conditions (fields, etc.). or sport performance;

-family history of arthritis or joint disease


1. – pain – the symptom that appear first. Sometimes it is very sharp.Appears when trying to use the joint, especially if they exaggerate or after a long pause. Pain may disappear if not used joint. Sometimes it radiates to other regions.

2. –rigidity – is morning or after rest. Disappears after 1-2 minutes of exercise. Rarely cause complete loss of freedom of movement in the affected joint.

3. –limitation of movement – is difficult to perform movements such as opening a jar lid, clean fruit peel, the end button.

4. -sometimes signs of inflammation (swelling, redness, increased local -temperature, pain). Inflammation is characteristic of acute rheumatism and arthritis (arthritis, etc..), But can occur in arthritis due to joint inflammation consecutive overload.

Sometimes symptoms are mild arthritis and the disease may be discovered incidentally during a radiologic examination.Sometimes symptoms are so severe that the patient can not perform even the most simple activities (dressing, cleaning teeth, etc.).


Osteoarthritis affects the articular cartilage.This is an elastic tissue that covers the ends of the bones in joints. Normally this cartilage has a very smooth surface, facilitating the mobility of joints and also absorbing shock. This is particularly important in the large joints that bear weight, such as those of the legs and joints of the spine. As osteoarthritis progresses, cartilage and bone surface underneath becomes irregular, bony growths appear (“beaks”, “nodes”). As a consequence, the glisarii joint surfaces rub against each other instead, especially when demanding movements.

The most affected joints are: temporomandibular joint, shoulder, elbow, wrist, ankles and knees.

Very frequent changes:

-nodules in the fingers;

-back and neck stiffness;

-chronic pain and discomfort while sitting or walking;

-swelling of the knees;

What to do?

If you suffer from arthritis there are, fortunately, things you can do to stop the disease and its symptoms to lessen the very unpleasant impact of this type of disease.

Simple Remedies

Hot and cold applications

Cold compresses are very effective in reducing pain sensation in the early days of reactivation. Put water in a freezer in a plastic bag and after ot freezes, wrap it in a towel and apply it on the painful area several times a day but not more than 10 minutes at a time. After the pain reduces use warm compresses to relax the muscles around painful joints.This can ease symptoms even better than ice. And hot applications will be limited to 10 minutes per session.

Diet in rheumatism

Although there are many myths about food and teas that cure osteoarthritis, the most balanced recommendation is to eat a varied diet based on plant products rich in fiber and low in fat, which provides all necessary nutrients, stimulates state and health, which is very important ÃƒÔ ‘ÃƔÃ’Ò¡nd it helps control obesity. Vitamin and mineral supplements have no therapeutic effect in osteoarthritis, despite the claims of those who sell them.

Protecting joints

Seemingly small things can significantly reduce application exerted on the joints. Here are some of them:

do not grab and use a twisting movement. For example, learn to keep books freely supported on the palms instead of fingers to grasp the edges. Also, try to take advantage of new household appliances and kitchen tools that would spare the twisting movement, turning, clamping, etc.. (Washing machine, vacuum cleaners, canned openers, knives to clean vegetables, etc.). learn to distribute the weight of objects on multiple joints. For example, use both hands to lift a heavy bowl; large joints put to work – for example not push heavy doors with your hands, but also supports them using your shoulder; proper posture. Standing, pull your abdomen and push shoulders backwards. think before you execute movements, especially the most common. Take early steps to avoid overuse of joints rest – Lie down from time to time and place you feet on a higher plane than the rest of the body. Do this several times a day, but avoid prolonged inactivity as it reduces muscle tone and overall health;

Movement is not contraindicated in arthritis – in fact it is essential to maintaining your physical strength and personal independence. Use forms of movement that don’t wear out the joints even more – such as lifting weights, running, jumping, etc.. The best are swimming, cycling, walking (with appropriate footwear) and flexibility exercises. Start light, increase gradually, don’t force the joints and don’t hold your breath during exercises. If you experience pain, stop immediately. If pain persists for several days, request help from your doctor.The benefits are reducing muscle and joint stiffness, strengthen the muscles, improve posture and coordination, reducing the risk of heart disease and osteoporosis.

The golden rule is to use drugs only after exhaustion all the other measures.

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