Reverse Culture Shock! Transitioning from Life in Japan to Life in the U.S.A

I recently moved back to California after living in Japan for three years. It has been an interesting experience and an adventure to say the least. Sometimes I feel as though I have been in a coma and just woke up to see things completely change from how I remembered it. Here are a few things that I have noticed.

Billboards. I was driving down the freeway and took note of the billboards. All of a sudden, one changed right before my eyes! Woa! Electronic billboards is not something I remember from three years ago!

Blasting AC. AC is very strong here compared to what I experienced in Japan. I almost feel I need a jacket to battle the freezing indoors during the SUMMER. Of course in department stores and other public places in Japan had air-conditioning, but not that strong! I loved how even though it was really hot in Japan, I never had to carry around a jacket during the summer months. I never had to worry about being cold somewhere!

Huge portions. While Japanese food in Japan does not come in small portions in my opinion, western food in Japan definitely comes in smaller sizes. Ordering a bowl of pasta in Japan and America are completely two different things. I was a little overwhelmed when I ordered spaghetti here in the states and I could barely finish half of it!

Parking Meters. I was driving to downtown LA and I realized I didn’t have any change for a parking meter. I was pleasantly surprised to find that they now accept credit card! A little more expensive than I remember, but I was just relieved that I was able to park!

Pop Culture. I was never an expert on popular culture before I left, but I did know the real popular stuff while I was living in the states. Now that I have been gone, it feels like I have been living under a rock. Some people are shocked that I haven’t heard of the latest movie, or song. It fully hit me when one of my Deaf friends referred to this popular song that came out in the last year and I had no idea what she was talking about.

The Freeways! Growing up in LA, I always felt safer when I was on the freeway compared to the streets. Being away from them for so long, I found myself more alert and slightly more stressed merging in and out, and watching some speedy drivers weave through the lanes. It is better now that I have been here for a month, but the first few times, it definitely felt different. I can now relate to people, mainly those who are from out of town that are afraid to drive the freeway!

Bigger People. Japan does have its share of obese people, but I feel it is not as much as what I have seen in America. I was totally immune to it before, and I never noticed it, but after not seeing it for three years, I am noticing it more and more! I wonder how people who are visiting the U.S. for the first time feel?

Well, those are some of the things that have really surprised me on my first month back here in the states. I am sure there will be more, but as time goes on, I am getting more and more used to life in Southern California!

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