MTVs Awkward Recap: Episode 7

When we join our Jenna this week she is surprisingly sticking by her stance of ignoring Mattie until he treats with a greater amount of respect and at the same time continuing not to take anymore stuff from evil Sadie. Her school is in a tizzy over who will get the coveted role of “Dead Stacey” in the annual drunk driving awareness play. We find out later in the episode that this play is a long-standing tradition at Jenna’s high school and the role of “Dead Stacey” is normally awarded to the most popular girl in school. Of course her mother, whose glory days clearly ended in high school, played the lead role and was in fact the most popular girl.

It is completely lost to the counselor why the girl, who was recently accused of trying to commit suicide, would not want to play a role entitled “Dead Stacey.” The role not only is uncomfortable for Jenna because of her history, but it also gives evil Sadie more ammunition for her irrational dislike of Jenna and to top it all of her leading man is Jake. The same Jake who she shared a kiss with in the last episode, whose girlfriend is the best friend of evil Sadie and he is best friends with her secret love, Mattie. I’m not sure if it is possible for one teenagers life to be this complicated, but it is very entertaining! Though Jenna has no interest in playing “Dead Stacey” she caves, at the urging of her mother and questionable school counselor and decides to take the role but only if she can make some necessary changes.

As we pick up the night of school play, we the viewer, are unaware what changes Jenna, Mattie and social climber (and my favorite) Tamara have made to the script. In typical “Awkward” fashion the play is jumbled and kind of a mess but ends with a huge surprise ending, which leads Jenna to the next level of popularity. While I am happy for Jenna gaining some sort of popularity, I’m not sure how I feel about how she got there or that the real reason she wants to be popular – she is hoping being popular will lead to Mattie dating her publicly. Oh Jenna!

“Awkward” airs every Tuesday 11:00PM on MTV

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