Is Teeth Whitening Safe During Pregnancy?

Teeth whitening can make you feel great about yourself. It might even give you the confident boost that you need while you’re pregnant, when you may choose to skip hair coloring and other potentially risky beauty treatments. It may also seem ideal during this time if you are planning on having maternity photos done. Is teeth whitening safe during pregnancy? Here’s what all women who are expecting or are planning to become pregnant in the near future should know.

Little Research on the Risks

There is no evidence that shows what the risks of teeth bleaching are during pregnancy, according to BabyCenter. No studies have been done to determine whether or not the treatment may cause pregnancy complications, preterm labor, low birth weight, miscarriage, or birth defects. Keep in mind that the lack of research is not limited to professional teeth whitening. There is also little known about the effects of at-home teeth whitening kits during pregnancy.

Recommendations on Teeth Whitening

The American Pregnancy Association recommends waiting to have teeth whitening done until after you have given birth. Although there is no data that shows that the procedure isn’t safe during pregnancy, risks may exist. Waiting until you have given birth can help reduce the risk of complications or birth defects if they are caused by teeth whitening.

It also may be ideal to go one step further and postpone bleaching your teeth until you have finished breastfeeding. Although there is no data available at this point that shows what effects whitening your teeth while you are nursing may have on your baby, the peroxide that is used could enter your bloodstream. It’s unknown whether or not it may cause risks, but it’s better to be on the safe side and hold off on having your teeth whitened while you are breastfeeding.

Teeth Whitening Remedies to Try at Home

You may want to consider trying natural teeth whitening home remedies. One of the most well-known home remedies is applying chopped strawberries to your teeth. WebMD also recommends using baking soda and a toothbrush, as well as eating foods that promote saliva production, such as apples, carrots, celery, and pears. Staying away from foods that cause tooth stains, such as soda and coffee, should be easy during this time since consuming too much caffeine is considered risky during pregnancy.

Although there is little known about the effects of bleaching your teeth during pregnancy, it’s best to avoid having the procedure done or doing any at-home kits until after you give birth or even after you finish breastfeeding. Having a treatment done while you’re pregnant may put your baby at risk.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for educational purposes only. Be sure to consult with a licensed healthcare provider if you are concerned about your health.

American Pregnancy Association

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