Horror Hides in Spiritual Truth

Thinking this is a horror film about fallen angels is a mistake. This is merely one more version of a spiritual truth twisted into entertainment for intelligent humans. Those who start with a knowledge of the Christian Apochrypha is helpful in understanding these seemingly loosely connected stories of yet another angelic war fought through the bodies and minds of humans.

Through greed, lust and other human vices, the viewer is given a tour through a questionable history of Christianity, combining various perspectives of Judas’s position with legends of angels of many varieties. It is only for those with a Christian background, that this can be considered a horror film, as they consider the potential truths of the characters, with their own personal failings.

Like many movies of questionable quality, the filming may be more than adequate in quality, but the sound varies in such extremes, that the viewer either strains to hear, or is thrown back into their seats with the violence of the sudden noise. With settings that have more character than the confusing cast, including possession sprinkled with the walking dead, the players have had to exercise their skills as much as their spirits.

I do not recommend “House of Fallen” as a horror film at all, but for those with spiritual interests, this is a unique tale of a history few know.

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