Go Forth Brave Sailors to the Endless Sea

Go forth brave sailors to the endless sea,
Your flags blowing nigh the gleaming blue skies,
Sail on through maelstroms to eternity.

Alone you are with mast, sail and algae;
In your hearts dwells a love that never dies.
Go forth brave sailors to the endless sea.

Your bodies tattooed with sirens that scream,
That scream for freedom from wandering eyes,
Sail on through maelstroms to eternity.

Grasp your courage; from fate you cannot flee.
Terror and fog and dusk take men like flies,
Go forth brave sailors to the endless sea.

Leave fear and hesitation bayside to be free;
Accept sweet Luna’s pulls and swaying tides,
Sail on through maelstroms to eternity.

Fall prey not to night’s ghastly revelry,
Let sunlight and strong winds be your two guides.
Go forth brave sailors to the endless sea,
Sail on through maelstroms to eternity.

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