Ghost Dancing for Jobs

Performing the Circle Dance, following the flowering stick, ghost shirts, you are about to take a slow walk into magical thinking.
The Paiutes started dancing in the 1890’s to bring back their American dream.
All over the country they danced. Peacefully. The Ghost Dance to bring back their dream of the old days. They resorted to magic.
The ghost of Crazy Horse probably danced it, his cousin Black Elk did, danced the Circle Dance, followed the flowering stick, wore their magical Ghost Shirts, drenched themselves in magical thinking.

I’ve found the shirt, a vest that I’d picked up on the road years ago, that I can fix with totem items, signifying the magic I’m projecting with my magical ghost shirt.
I can do the Circle Dance in the parking lot of the super market, the shopping center; people will think I’m just dodging cars, or a nut, or on my cell phone.

The flowering stick?
“The idiot’s probably making a delivery.”
“What’s he doing?”
“There’s a flower on that stick?”

The Circle Dance on the way to the Post Office. And the jobs?
So I’m out there with my flowering stick, in the parking lot of the Post Office, and I see this woman doing the Circle Dance to the mail box and I ask: “Ghost Dancing?”
And she says: “Dance and the jobs will come. It’s magic.”

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