Decorating an Eclectic Contemporary Living Room

A living room with eclectic contemporary style is easy to decorate. It contains a well-chosen thoughtfully placed conglomerate of modern furnishings and decor, and it contains a few unexpected surprises. It is furnished for comfort, but it also looks and feels great. The decorating options are endless. Use these ideas for decorating a contemporary eclectic living room, and enjoy the possibilities that free association provides. It is a ceiling to floor design process that begins with your favorite decor and much, much more.

Decorating with a Contemporary Patterned Area Rug

Contemporary living room furniture does not have to look like a throwback from a Jetson’s cartoon. Solid, comfy fabric covered furniture can be used, even if it borders on traditional. Pair it with a contemporary patterned area rug that contains accent colors that will be implemented throughout the living room, and get ready for an eclectic hodgepodge that will come together simply and easily.

Pair a Corner Chair with a Contemporary Screen

A chair sitting on the bias in a corner of a contemporary living room can be highlighted by an eye-catching screen. This is a great way of filling an empty corner and adding something out of the ordinary in a living room with eclectic flair. The screen can be plain and serve as a solid backdrop, or it can be a grid used to hold a contemporary work of level or dimensional art. The choice is yours. The art will add contrast, but a plain screen can be just as striking in the right location.

Decorating with an Unexpected Hue or Two

When accessorizing and decorating living room furniture with eclectic contemporary flair, be sure to add an unexpected hue in varying shades. For example, if a low-profile sofa is deep ocean blue, add throw pillows in graduating shades of rust. These colors might also be present in a contemporary area rug nearby. In any case they will add an unpredicted pop of color on an otherwise unadorned furnishing.

Choose Lucite Cube Side Tables to Create a Coffee Table

Decorating an eclectic contemporary living room is a plethora of decorating possibilities, especially when it comes to side tables and other sub furnishings. Instead of going with something solid, opt for Lucite cube side tables that will make the floor beneath completely visible. This is a great way to showoff an eye-catching living room area rug that is embellished with color and design. It is also a fantastic way to furnish a small eclectic contemporary living room since they will visually consume absolutely no extra space. Combine two to create a coffee table, and add finishing touches by adding a favorite bowl or a fun tabletop work of art. Choose what you like over what people expect, and it will all come together with an eclectic bang.

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