Will nutmeg show up on a drug test

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Drug tests do not test for nutmeg. After all, it is a spice. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/will-nutmeg-show-up-on-a-drug-test ]
More Answers to “Will nutmeg show up on a drug test
Will nutmeg show up in a drug test?
No – why would it? its a spice! poppy seeds have been suggested to show up in a drug test, but theres no way nutmeg would these days. They’ve gotten testing down to an artform, but theres still away around some of them (mainly to do with t…
Does nutmeg show up on drug tests?
Drug tests are for specific drugs. Since nutmeg is not a drug , they don’t have a test for that.
Will nutmeg show up in a THC drug test or any drugtest??
Nutmeg won’t show up on any drug test, but the high isn’t anything like weed. Most people who try nutmeg only try it once and hate it. The high sucks, don’t bother.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Will nutmeg show up in a THC drug test or any drugtest?
Q: I havnt smoked weed In months because My mom drugtests me. So the only way to get a weed high without it showing in a drugtest is smoke nutmeg. I think? Will it or not?
A: Nutmeg won’t show up on any drug test, but the high isn’t anything like weed. Most people who try nutmeg only try it once and hate it. The high sucks, don’t bother.
Will nutmeg show up in a drug test?
Q: Please only serious people
A: No – why would it? its a spice! poppy seeds have been suggested to show up in a drug test, but theres no way nutmeg would these days. They’ve gotten testing down to an artform, but theres still away around some of them (mainly to do with timing). Oh – but you forgot to say what type of drug test as well, blood, urine, breathe/mouth swab or hair! Avoid the hair at all costs, its the most reliable test they have.
If you smoke nutmeg, does it show up on a drug test? Any harmful side effects.?
Q: I heard that smoking nutmeg can get you high. It’s been tested and proved so don’t tell me it won’t. But can it show up on a drug test? I would guess not because I don’t think it has thc. Also, are the side effects a bad as weed? I mean for things such as memory loss and other mental things.I don’t have a job now but I am looking. Most places make you do a drug test before they hire you. So I can’t smoke weed. This is why I am asking about nutmeg.
A: well you can get high off nutmeg, but i dont reccommend it. You will have one of the worst come downs ever. Also, it takes up to 10 hours to kick in, tastes terrible, and you can overdose.And no, you can not smoke it, it must be injested.And no, it will not show up on a drug testBest answer?
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