Will exercise help for hangovers

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From pulling your hair to exercise , home remedies for hangovers abound. But in the end, time is the only sure cure. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/will-exercise-help-for-hangovers ]
More Answers to “Will exercise help for hangovers
Does exercise help get rid of a hangover?
It could help with endorphins, which are a natural pain killer. However, since alcohol is dehydrating, exercise could dehydrate you further and it would probably be a better idea to rehydrate and take something for he headache.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Have there been any studies on the effects of exercise on hangovers?
Q: I was wondering if anyone’s ever read a study on the effects of exercise on hangovers. I’m 31 now and a lot of my friends say they can’t drink as much as they used too. They feel the effects worse the next day. I, on the other hand, have started to have less effects the next day while drinking the same amount. In fact, compared to the same time last year, I bounce back very quickly. The only thing that I’m doing different is I’m exercising a lot more than I was last year. I usually work out 4 times a week, though sometimes I’ll do less, and rarely skip a week. I don’t like to use anecdotes as evidence, so I’m looking for something more scientific.
A: If you exercise regularly, then the general boost it gives your metabolism should help your body deal with the toxins faster. But I wouldn’t actually exercise during a hangover, considering you’re headachey and dehydrated to begin with and all the sweating will just dry you out even more.
Is it a bad idea to exercise with a hangover?
Q: After a heavy night of drinking, I’m prone to pretty knarly hangovers (headache, bad mood, ect ect) I find that exercising intensely (either running or rowing or weights) makes me feel better… Not sure if it has something to do with endorpnin release or something…Is this a bad idea? Booga
A: Possibly the main issue has to do with dehydration. One way to avoid hangovers (other than staying drunk) is to drink plenty of water when you are drinking other things.Personally, I often drink until I am drunk and happy, then switch to water (or cola for caffiene and to keep awake and partying).Your body is breaking down the alchohol which is what gives you the headache. Too much sweating may be a problem, so drink plenty of fluids and you should be fine. If it feels good, do it.
Is running (or any other exercise) with a hangover bad for your kidneys?
Q: Someone told me that if you run the day after consuming copious amounts of alcohol the night before is really bad because it thins your blood down and makes your kidneys work too hard. Does anyone have any evidence to support this claim? Can it really be detrimental? Personally I feel so much better the morning after if I get out and do some exercise. Am I going to end up with kidney damage?I KNOW that drinking is bad for your body but I’m 21 and I’m enjoying it for a bit so I like to go out and drink! But I’m also an athlete training 6 days a week. What I really want to know is if exercising after drinking is MORE dangerous than just the drinking alone.
A: NO! You tend to feel much better when you do anything after a few drinks. I was told by a personal trainer that if he drinks too much he runs home afterwards cause it avoids a hangover.
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