Why is it safe to swallow Camel snus

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Because of low salt and moisture content, users don’t have to spit when using Camel’s Snus. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-it-safe-to-swallow-camel-snus ]
More Answers to “Why is it safe to swallow Camel snus
How to use Camel Snus in school? And is it safe to swallow Snus??
Put The Packet in your mouth before each class period(They last 30-45 min.) and spit it out after class in the trash. Repeat as needed. If you have to swallow it its ok it wont hurt you just might give you a stomach ache for a few hours( iv…
Can you swallow camel snus?
I wouldnt cause theres prolly fiberglass init cause thats how the nicotine gets absorbed.
Why is okay to swallow Camel Snus juice but not chew juice??
If you get a lot of brown juice, it’s not good for you to swallow it. Snus just has less crap in it, so you can swallow if you don’t feel like spitting. Still probably a good idea to spit it out.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How to use Camel Snus in school? And is it safe to swallow Snus?
Q: I’m 18 but I’m in highschool, and obviously tobacco products aren’t allowed there. I hear you can swallow the stuff inside the pouch of Camel Snus. Would taking the contents of the pouch out and putting it under your lip and swallowing it when its done work?
A: Put The Packet in your mouth before each class period(They last 30-45 min.) and spit it out after class in the trash. Repeat as needed. If you have to swallow it its ok it wont hurt you just might give you a stomach ache for a few hours( ive done it 2-3 times).
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