Why dose weed get you high

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Why dose weed get you high”,you can compare them.

The main active ingredient that makes people feel ‘stoned’ is THC. It affects your mood, thinking, sense of time and memory. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-dose-weed-get-you-high ]
More Answers to “Why dose weed get you high
How dose it feel to be high on weed?
・ 1. you don’t hallucinate ・ 2. you feel out of touch with reality depending on how high you get… ・ 3. You have a tendency to eat, it makes you hungry…it also makes time go very slow. ・ 4. It also makes chronic users lose any ambition …
What dose it feel like when your high on weed??
ahh it feels like your watching yourself, it feels like your dreaming almost but everything you do is real, you eat food till you die, you will laugh at anything that isnt even remotely funny, your eyes hurt, the most random things pop up i…

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how dose it feel to be high on weed?
Q: what you seewhat you feel likewhat you doand anything
A: 1. you don’t hallucinate2. you feel out of touch with reality depending on how high you get…3. You have a tendency to eat, it makes you hungry…it also makes time go very slow.4. It also makes chronic users lose any ambition to do anything.. include finish school and do something with yourself.5. Long term side effects are Short Term memory loss, paranoia.6. It also stays in your system the longest of all drugs, meaning detection can be 30-45 to even 60 days after you stop, depending on your fat content and your level of use…meaning a drug test for a job or a surprise random test would catch a chronic user.Most all other drugs have a 72 hour window of detection, with the exception of drugs classified as “Benzodiazapenes” some drugs in that classification are Valium, Colonopin… These can remain detectable for 9-14 days depending on use…Ketamine can give a false positive for PCP, in the basic drug screen, of course once they did the more in depth test it would reveal that in fact it was not PCP, but in fact Ketamine, still illegal and your screwed anyway…Your in the clear using organic drugs like Peyote and Philosybyn… These are not detectable in regular drug screens and are only detectable fora very short time 8-12 hours, and would have to be suspect to be detected…I hope this information was helpful
herbal smoking same high as weed?
Q: I always see websites for herbs and stuff but dose it get you high like weed. they say all this good stuff but i felt like i should see if anyone has tried this legal bud herbal stuff
A: I’ve had “friends” that ordered the stuff out of the back of “high times” and it just gave them a headache. All it is is hemp that’s been rolled into cigarette papers. Hemp doesn’t contain THC which is the ingredient in marijuana that gets you high. Its a waste of money and time. Don’t try it. Besides, if you do smoke weed, it will just make you paranoid to have this so called “legal herb” mailed to your home… think about it.
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