Why does lsd make you see things

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LSD is a drug that has chemical structures similar to those of neurotransmitters and interfere with their action at receptor sites [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-lsd-make-you-see-things ]
More Answers to “Why does lsd make you see things
Why does lsd make you see things?
There is a scientifically correct answer, and one that can is a bit unprecise (scientifically speaking) but can be typed down in less than a week. And a basically wrong one, that at least gives a vague outline (last paragraph). Simplified…
Does smoking salvia or trying LSD make you see things that aren’t…?
Of course they can. They are hallucinogens. The word hallucination means a distortion of your perception of what you see from reality. It can include BOTH changing the way something looks AND seeing something that isn’t there. As to the dru…
What are some easy ways to do things (LSD, acid, etc.) that make …?
What now? Do you think that “hallucinating” in itself is easy? Psychedelics are hard. They will reveal things to you that you have stuffed somewhere in your psyche long ago. And ink from pens?

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does smoking salvia or trying LSD make you see things that aren’t real, be honest?
Q: Answer one or both of these questions:Can LSD make you see objects that aren’t there? Because I know that it can make things that are already there look different (by changing color,shape,etc.), but I have heard that it can never actually make you see something that isn’t really there (like an elephant, spider-monkey, etc.) and I think that the people that make up these sort of stories are lying.I also want to know if Salvia can make you hallucinate objects that aren’t there. I have tried salvia 3 times and the most that I saw was something change color, and one of my friends looked like a demon, but it wasn’t a hallucination.
A: Of course they can. They are hallucinogens.The word hallucination means a distortion of your perception of what you see from reality. It can include BOTH changing the way something looks AND seeing something that isn’t there.As to the drugs, yes, each of them is capable of allowing you to see things that aren’t there. Much of that depends on dosage and your personal chemistry.LSD is known for causing all manner of hallucinations on both ‘good trips’ and ‘bad trips’. You may even experience synesthesia.Salvia is known as something that can induce ‘vision quests’, which can easily allow for the person to see something that isn’t there.What you might consider looking into further is what distortions of reality they can leave behind when you AREN’T actively using them… relics that confuse the brain on a long term basis… Salvia is quite a bit softer in its overall effects, but long term use does have side effects.LSD on the other hand can lead to a lot more serious complications.
What are some easy ways to do things (LSD, acid, etc.) that make people hallucinate?
Q: I mean like licking stuff like, ink from pens, windowpanes, certain paper, etc.) … *I don’t want to get high or hallucinate, I just need to know this for a health project for school.
A: What now?Do you think that “hallucinating” in itself is easy? Psychedelics are hard. They will reveal things to you that you have stuffed somewhere in your psyche long ago. And ink from pens?
Why does Steve Jobs say that doing LSD was one of the most important things he’s done in his life?
A: Well, it’s the most important thing I’ve ever done in my life too. But I didn’t imagine in 1976 that I would need a computer in my office much less in my home. I didn’t imagine that a computer could fit on a desk in 1976 (they where as big as several refrigerators then).I didn’t imagine in 1976 that I would have a computer that was a typwriter, a calculator, an album collection, a stereo component, a photo album, a music studio, a film editing facility etc….etc… in a computer the size of a book that fits in my briefcase and runs for six hours on a battery that has a camera that I can use as a telephone to call my son in France while I’m at a coffee shop in Australia–for free!I didn’t imagine any of these things but Steve Jobs dropped acid and he saw it all very clearly. Try to watch that movie “Pirates of Silicon Valley” and you’ll get what I’m talking about.Some of the most brilliant people in the world–and the best at what they do (Bill Gates, Stanley Kubrick, Aldous Huxley, the Beatles of course, Ken Kesey) have taken LSD and brought insight back with them that changed the world. More recently, the guy who discovered the double helix form of the DNA molecule says that it occured to him on a “light” acid trip. It seems the professors at this particular lab used to keep a bit of LSD around the office just for such occasions as being “stuck” on a problem that they needed to regard from a different angle. On this particular occation (the double helix) worked very well and turned the world upside down!I’ve solved a problem or two while “over there” too, but nothing earth shaking.
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