Why do people like drugs

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do people like drugs”,you can compare them.

Some people say they are curious or bored and want to see how drugs make them feel. However, drugs are addictive and a bad idea! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-people-like-drugs ]
More Answers to “Why do people like drugs
What do the drugs look like?
・ Rohypnol comes as a pill that dissolves in liquids. Some are small, round, and white. Newer pills are … ・ GHB has a few forms: a liquid with no odor or color, white powder, and pill. It might give your drink … ・ Ketamine comes as a li…
How do you……………..? get someone fto stop using drugs…….?
you can’t. they have to want to stop. all you can do is distance yourself and not be an inabler. don’t help them be an addict. but when they are ready for help you should be there 100%.
Do you like drugs?
eh, they’re okay… I prefer natural highs better. adrenaline, endorphins, ya know. I even like the rush you get from nervousness (like right before you get the exam back, or before you make the big speech) lol I’m weird, I know.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If drugs are mostly done by African Americans, why is Intervention full of white people?
Q: Like the jails and stuff are full of black people that do drugs, so people say black people do it mostly. Yet you watch the show Intervention, and it’s chock full of white people doing some crazy drugs. So why is the show Intervention full of white people?
A: This is a question based on a racist stereotype, not on actual facts. But I am going to answer it anyway. There are three factors here: First, blacks are only about15% of the total US population. So there’s just less black people in any given group. Second: Illegal drug use is consistent across racial lines. There is maybe a higher percentage of drug use in lower socioeconomic groups. Unfortunately in this country, for a myriad of sucky reasons, there is a higher percentage of blacks living below the poverty line than there are of whites living below the poverty line, so there are disproportionately more blacks growing up in drug neighborhoods and culture. Third: drug laws are not equitable at all. Look at cocaine and crack. They are pretty much the exact same thing. For whatever reason, cocaine is more used by white people, and crack by blacks. However, the mandatory drug sentencing laws are really unbalanced. A certain amount of crack in your possession may earn you a misdemeanor. The same amount of crack would earn you mandatory 4 years in prison. There’s no real reason for the difference- both do the same thing.One just sends you to jail. And doesn’t it make you a bit suspicious that that drugs associated with minority populations carry the heaviest sentencing? BTW, right now the rural white people drug of choice is oxycontin. Which carries some relatively light penalties. You should also think about how fair our criminal justice system is to people of color. You don;t think a judge would be more lenient with a nice, preppy white boy rather than a young black man wearing dreds and baggy pants? Even though they both committed the same crime? So, there are more white people in general, so more wind up on the show. But there are more black people in prison because of the crazily unfair drug laws and justice system. There are some good history channel documentaries on why some drugs became illegal and some didn’t. Worth checking out. Consider why tobacco and alcohol are legal, put pot isn’t…..
Why do people start using illegal addictive Drugs?
Q: Okay drugs are addictive. And people see what harm drugs do to people that are already using them. For example (death, sickness, you loose everything.) So why do people start using drugs when they already kjnow what’s gonna happen. Anyone can answer, But if you have been through this drug addiction process, I really would like to hear from you.
A: its the feeling you get from drugs….it doesnt last forever….but the feeling the drug has on u for that very moment is so worth it, no matter the consequences. Drugs temporarily make all your problems go away to. When u r hooked on drugs u could careless about the future, all u think about is NOW.
Why do people itch when there addicted to drugs?
Q: You always see people who are addicted to drugs itch .Why?
A: From a medical point of view, there are a couple of reasons. 1. The effect of the drug on the nervous system causes “misfires” and that can cause an itching sensation.2. The breakdown of the drug in your system can cause you to have an imbalance of the electrolytes. If your phosphorous is too high, you will excrete it throught your skin and that causes you to itch, too.Some people just may have a nervous twitch as previously said, but the above could be factors.
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