Why do people get Hungover

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do people get Hungover”,you can compare them.

A hangover is related to severe dehydration. Even if you don’t throw up from drinking, you lose more water than you’re taking in. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-people-get-hungover ]
More Answers to “Why do people get Hungover
Why do people get hungover?
Also because your liver is working so hard to filter the alcohol out of your bloodstream that it can’t regulate your blood sugar as effectively. This causes people to get a headache, and feel groggy and in pain. If you eat something with a …
Does Everyone Get Hungover?
No, some people are just genetically lucky when it comes to hangovers and rarely, if ever, suffer the effects. Feel free to punch these pricks in the liver too. Hit him. Hit him hard.
Why do I never get hungover?
Depends on your age. Most younger people have stronger bodies/immune systems/kidneys. I used to be the same way until I hit around 28 and then get ready to feel the pain.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is it that people smell when hungover? Is there a way to get rid of that nasty smell?
A: Not like you showered the night before, or were willing to get up even earlier to shower.
Why do people like to eat greasy food when they are hungover? Its the last thing I can think about…?
Q: Greasy/heavy food is the last thing I can think about eating – I always want something like bread… or maybe chicken soup – something light and simple!!! Does the greasy food really help you?
A: The guy that told me about it said the greasy stuff coats the stomach and that is soothing to an irritated stomach lining. I would never! I go for the dry Cheerios!!
Why do people get hungover?
Q: Why do you get a headache and why does the alch make you get sick?
A: Also because your liver is working so hard to filter the alcohol out of your bloodstream that it can’t regulate your blood sugar as effectively. This causes people to get a headache, and feel groggy and in pain. If you eat something with a simple sugar in it (fruit, juice, etc.), your body might start to perk up. Also, as has been said, dehydration.
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