Why do my eyes get red when I smoke weed

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do my eyes get red when I smoke weed”,you can compare them.

Marijuana dilates the blood vessels in your eyes, this is where where the color red is coming from. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-my-eyes-get-red-when-i-smoke-weed ]
More Answers to “Why do my eyes get red when I smoke weed
Why do your eyes get red when you smoke weed??
not sure about weed; however, my eyes get red after sex because of the mace.
How come your eyes get red when you smoke weed?
Marijuana decreases pressure in the eyes and increases blood flow. When this happens, the arteries in the eye-ball expand (due to decreased pressure). These areteries, especially when expanded, are visible in the white portion of the eye an…
Why do you get red eye when you smoke weed?
This is certainly a sign of (heavy) indulgence. Cannabis widens blood vessels (vasodilation). The eyes contain blood vessels which widen when you are stoned; hence the blood within the vessels is more visible against the white of the eye ca…

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Q: Why do your eyes turn red when you smoke weed?
A: Vascular dilationIt is one of the benefits of pot- It temporarily increases the size of the smaller blood vessels in the body including the eyes (which you see red)This is good because it can help circulate blood thru muscles, the skin and thru the heart which, over the years, get blocked up by cholesterol.
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A: u just got x-wasted but hmmmmmmmmmmmmaybe u were conjested and the smoke went to the wrng place causing u to tear up eyes get red maybe its a stronger more HARDCORE WEED!!!!!!!!!
Why do you get red eye when you smoke weed?
Q: I’ve been trying to think of the biological effect and I have no idea as to why red eye occurs. I’m looking for serious medical answers please!
A: This is certainly a sign of (heavy) indulgence.Cannabis widens blood vessels (vasodilation). The eyes contain blood vessels which widen when you are stoned; hence the blood within the vessels is more visible against the white of the eye causing red-eye. When the vasodilator is metabolized (when it wears off), the blood vessels return to normal and the red eye disappears.Cannabis induced red eye is not the same as the red eye caused by inflammation, allergy or injuryThe increase in the heart rate is linked to this widening of the blood vessels. The heart beats faster because the pressure is lowered. This is an effort to restore the pressure to normal, part of what’s meant by homeostasis. Everything in the body is linked and balanced.Hope this helps 🙂 x
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