Why do I like weed so much

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do I like weed so much”,you can compare them.

You might like weed because of the distorted perceptions, impaired coordination, and difficulty in thinking that results from it. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-i-like-weed-so-much ]
More Answers to “Why do I like weed so much
Why do people like weed so much?
Its hard to answer. Its like asking a guy who has no taste buds ‘why do people like sugar’? In other words, you have to try it and see since it effects the mind in a way normal people cannot perceive. Also I read that some people lack …
Why i like smoking weed so much?
I used to smoke cause I find it nothing else but looking good among my peers. My peers wasn’t pressurising me, So I don’t know why I took it up. Then I stopped because of my family, love them.
What is the name of the weed with leaves that look so much like s…?
Yes, but not in great quatiries, expect it to gag them back up. http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/1220087

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is it so much easier to orgasm after i smoke weed?
Q: I have a VERY hard time having an orgasm during sex or oral sex if I don’t use my vibrator. It has only happened like 4 times while I wasn’t high or using a vibrator. But if I smoke it is so easy. Why is that and is there anything I can do to make it easy like that all the time?
A: You’re probably more relaxed when you’re high, so you just need to relax. PLEASE STOP SMOKING WEED!! It is not good for you.
Why does my heart rate increase so much when i try weed?
Q: When ever i smoke weed, my heart rate increases realy realy fast, i know i’m not going to have a heart attack but at the time it can get scary.Is this normal and if this happens am i going to have a heart attack?note: if you are going to tell me just to stop with out answering my question, don’t waste your time.Can i have a actualy medical answer other than “weed is bad”.
A: was anything in it? like some kind of pill or something? or you could be worried about something. and it puts you on a bad trip. relax, smoke safe and dont get coughtt, hae funn with itt.
Why is there so much propoganda against smoking weed, like it leads to lung cancer?
Q: the largest marijuana study, done by UCLA, concluded that weed does not lead to lung cancer, if anything it, helps prevent it. There is a chemical in weed that kills the dead cells responsible for cancerAn approved UCLA-study says that a new chemical is preventing the spread of cancer. “One possible explanation for the new findings, he said, is that THC, a chemical in marijuana smoke, may encourage aging cells to die earlier and therefore be less likely to undergo cancerous transformation”srry for miswriting it earlier
A: Look, it is simple, if the pharmaceutical companies cant control it, they make it illegal. They are the ultimate drug lords. Our politicians and lawyers and judges are in their pockets.It is that simple,Solution:Serve on a jury and find people with marajuana possession, trafficing, producing, etc.. innocent and proclaimate the laws are unconstitutional, and therefore unenforceable.
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