Why are drugs so bad

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Why are drugs so bad”,you can compare them.

Drugs are bad cause of the health risks. Some drugs, like crack and heroin are even worse than others though. Keep ChaCha-ing. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-are-drugs-so-bad ]
More Answers to “Why are drugs so bad
Why are drugs so bad?
Obviously health reasons, risks of permanent damage or death, addiction, relationships ruined, money problems etc etc. But when you say ‘most people just have a good time’ I think that group is very small. A lot of people say its just for f…
What makes drugs so bad for you?
Drugs can be bad for you in lots of ways. Even occasional or experimental drug use can be dangerous, since drugs can have unexpected adverse health effects even with one use; and drugs affect your ability to exert good judgment–making it m…
What’s so bad about drugs?
society teaches its community whats needed in order for siciety to function, skipping classes means you get dumber, because your no longer in the right environment and what would you be doing with your spare time….vandalising. do drugs if…

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Q: Why weed and not heroin or meth? I mean, they are a lot worse than weed, So why is weed advertised all the time and those drugs aren’t?I don’t take pot, I was just curious. Lol.
A: They focus on weed more because of its popularity and the “War on drugs” personally i think its ridiculous. Oh and weed is NOT a gate way drug (proof in sources).
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Q: Both speed up the heart, put pressure on the veins, stress the mind, so why is one good for you and the other is bad! Note:The things I think up & write down at work.
A: Sorry, but you are so misinformed I don’t even know where to begin in answering your question, so I’ll just say this. People don’t exercise at every waking hour on everyday like a meth junkie shoots up. Your heart gets a work out and then recovers and becomes stronger. This also affects your nervous system in a way that lowers your heart rate when it is at rest, which keeps your heart from weakening prematurely. As far as exercise stressing the mind, there is such little truth to that statement that shouldn’t even comment on it, but I will. Exercise causes an endomoprhic rush in the brain that improves your mood, helps you sleep, etc. etc. Nice theory though.
why are drugs or getting high considered bad?
Q: honestly, this question has come up quite a bit lately and i need to clear the air. Can anyone tell me why drugs and getting high are considered bad? Personally, i don’t think drugs are bad, neither is getting high. I can’t figure out why anyone would really and i guess that’s my problem. I get the fact that drugs are illegal, but that’s not what i’m asking, I’m asking why are they illegal? why do people regard them as horrible things? I just don’t get it. any opinions are appreciated
A: What drugs? Heroin….very addictive. Meth, same deal. Cocaine, not as bad as meth, but addictive. Downers, addictive. LSD, if your head is on straight, you might be alright, and it is not addictive. Marijuana, has some addictive properties, but not as bad a alcohol. Ex–dehydrates and can cause lack of sleep which can cause other problems. Also has a Meth component in it, so it has that against it.
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