WHich has more nicotine, cigars or cigarettes

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “WHich has more nicotine, cigars or cigarettes”,you can compare them.

Cigars, by far. Cigars deliver a large, addicting dosage of nicotine compared to cigarettes. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/which-has-more-nicotine%2C-cigars-or-cigarettes ]
More Answers to “WHich has more nicotine, cigars or cigarettes
Do cigars have more nicotine than cigarettes??
This may be hard to ascertain cigarette companies are reputed with adding nicotine and other chemicals that make the delivery nicotine more potent to the body. they would probably be loath to supply accurate information. Even Governments th…
Does nicotine on cigars and cigarettes bad for the brain??
I just know came from search of “tobacco – plant – benefit.” I site said that when Christopher Columbus had seen tobacco use & asked it’s purpose that he was told it was for mental alertness. Another site said that non-smoki…
How do nicotine amounts in little cigars and cigarettes compare??
Little cigars that have filters generally have more nicotine than cigarettes and are not made to be inhaled. The little cigars generally use pipe tobacco or unprocessed cigar tobacco scraps. I really advise against inhaling as you would wit…

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Do cigars contain more nicotine than cigarettes?
Q: are they more addictive?
A: I think they are, they smell stronger to me.
If cigars and cigarettes both have nicotine and its addictive why aren’t people smoking 20 cigars day?
A: Most people don’t inhale the smoke from cigars, but most people who smoke cigarettes inhale. That gets a lot more nicotine into your system.
Does cigar contains more nicotine than cigarettes?
A: PossiblyCigarette manufacturers have admitted adding nicotine to their products.When tobacco is fermented for cigars (premium hand rolled ones) much of the naturally ocurring nicotine is sweated out. However, since there is much more tobacco in the filler…….And you are not supposed to inhale cigars
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