Where does marijuana originally come from

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Cannabis is native to tropical and temperate climates, but is cultivated around the world. Modern illicit growing operations MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/where-does-marijuana-originally-come-from ]
More Answers to “Where does marijuana originally come from
What country did marijuana originally come from?
Cannabis (Cán-na-bis) is a genus of flowering plants that includes three putative species, Cannabis sativa L.,[1] Cannabis indica Lam.,[1] and Cannabis ruderalis Janisch. These three taxa are indigenous to central Asia and surrounding regio…

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what country did marijuana originally come from?
Q: i’m doin a project on weed.
A: Cannabis (Cán-na-bis) is a genus of flowering plants that includes three putative species, Cannabis sativa L.,[1] Cannabis indica Lam.,[1] and Cannabis ruderalis Janisch. These three taxa are indigenous to central Asia and surrounding regions. Try researching under the name Cannabis.India, Nepal, China, the Middle East and more.
Against the legalization of marijuana.?
Q: So I have to do a debate against the legalization of marijuana. I was originally going to use the affects it has on youth as my debate topic, but am coming up short handed regarding research. If anyone knows of any good reliable website out there that could help me further my research it would be of a great help. Or if you have any other topics that could substitute for a new topic and replace the ‘affects on youth’ that would be of immense help also.
A: The reason you’re coming up shorthanded is because there is no reason to keep it illegal. It does not kill brain cells and it is not unhealthy for you. It does not decrease motivation, and it is not addictive. It doesn’t raise crime. It would be very beneficial to our nation if we legalized it. 1. Innocent people aren’t put in jail2. Safer alternative to alcohol3. Very little bad effects, if any4. We have the right to do what we want with our own body5. Potheads don’t harm innocent people6. The economy goes up7. Crime decreases8. More room for rapists and murderers in prison9. Police focus more on serious crimes like rape10. Not wasting tax dollars on keeping people in jail for weedThere’s no reason to keep it illegal.
I have to write a 5 paragraph paper.The problem is I cant think of anything to write help please?
Q: I have to write a 5 paragraph paper.The problem is I cant think of anything to write about my idea was already taken by someone. This paper can be about anything. originally i was going to write about legalization of marijuana. So if anybody can come up with any ideas please help! thank you
A: 1. health care reform2. the economy3. stem cell research4. prevention of crimeHope I helped!
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