What would happen if you took acid and you were blind

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What would happen if you took acid and you were blind”,you can compare them.

An LSD user may feel several different emotions at once, experience auditory hallucinations and altered perceptions. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-would-happen-if-you-took-acid-and-you-were-blind ]
More Answers to “What would happen if you took acid and you were blind
What does a blind person experience if he/she takes acid??
Years ago I had a blind friend of mine do acid, and he said he thought he could see colours. He’d been completely blind since birth so he had never seen anything, but he was sure that what he was seeing was colour(s). He tried to descibe it…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

if a blind man took acid. what would happen?
Q: like….. just wtf would happen
A: Since the man is still a human and he obviously sleeps, he can have dreams. If a person can have a higher level of consciousness (i.e. dreams) then he can trip on acid. To find out your question you would have to ask a blind person what they dream about. I would imgaine though that they have a strong hallucinations with the senses they have available to them. Feeling things that havent touched them, smelling peculiar things, hearing things, tasting foods or randoms tastes.Having a very vivid imagination.
If you are blind and take acid, what happens?
A: It would probably been the same as when you close your eyes in the dark and see reds and yellows. Even though the receptors are not there, the brain can still “see” colors in your mind. But other than that I would have to say that you would probably get crazy and paranoid or how ever you want to say that. Start “seeing” things that aren’t there and that you wouldn’t be able to see even if they were there! It would be wild!Edited for Vince’s response: I can close my eyes and still type all the same. So if I gouged my eyes out now, tomorrow I would be in pain, but I could still type. We need more relevant responses, not just people wanting points.
What would happen if Helen Keller had taken hallucinogens?
Q: I just wanted to know what would happen if Helen Keller (born blind and deaf) had taken some type of a hallucinogenic drug, like mushrooms or acid?Having never had the sense of sight or sound, would she be able to see anything? Would she know what colors were if she saw them? What would she experience?
A: More than likely she’d just feel loopy and have bizarre tactile hallucinations (like feeling something that is slimey when it isn’t, etc…) since that was her major source of stimulation. Her mind may also feel dizzy and she could lose her sense of balance.
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