What weed has the best high

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What weed has the best high”,you can compare them.

The white widow marijuana strain is considered perhaps the best cannabis in the world. The high is super extreme. ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-weed-has-the-best-high ]
More Answers to “What weed has the best high
What method of smoking weed gets you the best high?
As it was stated by the professionals on MANswers and the movie Super High Me, the Vaporizer is the way to go to get the best high.
What are some of the best, funniest moveis to watch while high ( …?
watch Evil Dead 2, i could not stop laughing.
Which high is better? alcohol or weed?
Well… they are both fun, but alcohol can have some bad side effects. For one, it is a personality altering drug… and you may be a bit (or a lot) embarrassed the next day (if you an even remember the night before). People are also less i…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the best way to feel better from a weed high the next day when your feeling sluggish?
A: vitamin B6 and B12 along with lots of fluids, caffeine, or an energy drink like red-bull.
i have a young plant that needs light. what would be the best watts for it. weed has 7 plants 2 feet high.?
A: It all depends what kind of plant it is. If plant in a pot the move it to the nearest window where the sun will shine all day. Sun light is alot better than useing a light bulb- then agian you mighty want to use a 100 Watts bulb for all seven plants.
How do you slow down a weed high?
Q: Ok if you were to smoke weed how do you slow down the high. I was told to drink milk or eat. My friend had asked me I told him I would research it but not really sure what to search for, for smokeing weed.
A: take a shower. That sometimes helps me after I do it and I find out my parents are coming over to visit. 1) eat your fill2) brush your teeth or rinse with mouthwash3) showerkind of like a regular morning in a way. See if that will help.
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