What is worse. cocaine or pot

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What is worse. cocaine or pot”,you can compare them.

Cocaine effects are extremely detrimental on the body & the consequences related to cocaine effects can lead to permanent damage. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-worse.-cocaine-or-pot ]
More Answers to “What is worse. cocaine or pot
Is it bad to mix cocaine and pot together?
no its fine ive done it a million times

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is Pot Worse/Better/The Same As Cocaine, Cigarettes Or Alcohol?
Q: What do you think? I think it’s not great but better then those. Pot isn’t physicall additing like those and I guarentee if we we’re to have a sit down with 4 people, one doing each, the alcohol user would be sick or die from Alcohol poisioning, the coke used would have died a long time ago, the cigarette user would proabley be very sick and the pot user, if anything, would’ve smoked himself sober :).I know ‘they is all bad’ but that is not what i was trying to ask, was it?
A: cocaine makes you forget that you love ppl and that they love you.the same can be said for alcohol but it’s a legal drug.
is it bad to mix cocaine and pot together?
Q: my friend was talking to me about getting messed up tonight she said she was gonna get high off cocaine first than smoke pot. i’m worried she’s gonna mess herself up is it bad to mix the two
A: no its fine ive done it a million times
do u consider drugs like pot and cocaine “bad” because they are illegal or because of the effects of people?
Q: if u think they are “bad” because they are illegal, would u change your tune if they were made legal? and if u think they are “bad” because of the effects they have on people, consider the fact that alcohol (a legal drug) will impair u more than any other illegal drug around (I’ve never heard of a family of 6 being wiped out by a stoner)
A: I think both are bad. Pot got my husband fired from an awesome job cause his dumb a– couldn’t pass the drug test, cocaine rotted my ex-boyfriend (before marriage) to the point that he was either asleep or violent. Alcohol is no better. I’m not saying that people shouldn’t have any vices, cause everyone has one of some sort, but personally I don’t let any drugs and very little alcohol around me. (husband quit pot cause I threw all his stuff in the front yard for making us almost starve after losing his job and told him to choose pot or me and his 6 month old son).
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